Guess what we woke up to....

...and it was in the very low 30s!

Time to dig out my winter coat and hat.

Gar came out to help me with chores and we were done by 9:15. The ponies needed there sheets for the third day in a row. Enough wind for a long time.

We had a fire going in the kitchen and it made me want to take a nap...which I did for one hour before Tina and I headed out to see Cinderella.

Snow, cold and wind did not keep us from going.

On the way home we went by the mustard fields....

Be sure to look at the post below to see one cute foal.
Gar and I went out for supper at a local restaurant and got home to find that Barb had already done most of the chores. She sure is very generous with her time over here.

I think the horses were very happy to get in the barn.

Of course the sun came out in the late afternoon....

I hope all you Moms had a great day. Don't forget to look at Cinderella.
Night all.
Cute little Cinderella!
I KNOW...we have had 2 days in 3 weeks of hail that weer worthy..today and yesterday-70's!!! Now it is foreboding again.
Well...wine- wine- wine- moan and more moan!I'm with you...waiting on spring..may lead to summer in a hurry!
Hi Lori. Snow in May is always unwelcome. Doesn't often happen here I'm glad to say. And I've only ever seen snow once in June. On the second of June 1976 we had a mini blizzard, lasted five minutes or so, and about a quarter of an inch settled. All gone half an hour later, and it was followed by a glorious long summer. Let's hope we have one of those.
Cheers, Mike.
I love the photographs today...they tell such a great story about your day. I can't believe how cold it is there! Wow, it was 90 here yesterday. Hard to believe there is still snow in places.
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