I got through chores...Gary helped me and loaded up the feed room with hay.
I had an appointment at the Apple store and I still felt well enough to go... My 3 year Apple Care warranty had run out, and much to my surprise I was able to take my computer to the store (to the genius bar) and they would give me 15 minutes FREE to check out my problem. And they got me back on track in that length of time. Macs are the way to go.
My friend Joanne went with me and I treated her to lunch at PF Chang's. That was the turning point. I could not finish my food and was going down hill fast. When I got home I went straight to bed and Gary did evening chores for me. I can't tell you what year he last fed the horses. At any rate, I could not even post anything and had dreams all night about eating chicken. Yuck. I don't think I can go back to that restaurant...and I was sick before I got there.
As for this morning...the same colors as the past several. I didn't feel quite as bad as I did last night, so of course I had to take pictures (just not so many).
I went out to the barn...Jenny and Gary helped so it went very quickly.
Gar brought a couple of loads of wood up to the porch. His last deed before going to the hospital for his foot surgery.
The fields out back are looking good.
At 9:45 I drove Gar down to the hospital and got home a little after 10:30 so I could go straight to bed.
Of course Gucci and Phoebe keep me company.
I was finally able to eat some food. Guess what my body wanted? A fried egg sandwich.
Around 3:30 I was back at the hospital and Gary was ready to come home. He had on one of those protective boots, but NO crutches. That surprised me.
I got the couch in the living room all set up with lots of pillows.
I went out to do chores at 6:30 and had a gigantic problem. The horses were running around and PC (the one with the bum knee) fell down. He thinks he can canter...and could not get up on his own! Gary could not help, the man next door was not home...so I called Jenny (who was at a Pampered Chef Party). I tried rolling him over so he could use his good leg to help him get up, but didn't have enough umpfffff to pull it off. In the meantime I put the rest of the horses in, and he had some time to rest. I was worried that it was going to get dark. Fortunately, we were able to get him back up and into the barn. He is 31. Jenny rubbed him down with some absorbine and I gave him some bute. They did not get any grain until it was almost 8 o'clock (which is very late). Hopefully he will be back to his silly self in the morning.
The sun was going down....
The moon was out...
and at 8pm it was not quite dark.
Got in the house, ate some dinner and am ready for a shower and bed. Tomorrow is another day.
Night all.
The crazy ponies.................
Poor PC! I'm glad he's okay. The only time I've ever had to roll a horse over was when it got cast in a stall. I can't believe you were able to do it all by yourself out in a pasture! Of course I don't know how big PC is. Is he the little gray pony?
And I'm glad you're feeling better. I think food poisoning is the worst!!
When it rains, it pours...bum foot, sick tummy, hurt horse. That's your three. Everything will now be smooth sailing!
Hope you feel all better - that's no fun!
I hope PC is okay.
Yes we sell eggs and chicks, but we're keeping most of the hens from this hatch. :)
Oh, poor you..I hope the foot heals quick and I hope you are over your food poisening...that is bad...!
As for the photos....beautiful! You're right, one can't tire of watching sunset/rise after another...always beautiful!
Just stopping by to say hi! I could just almost smell the hay in the barn and could imagine plopping down on the floor to sit awhile in the nice light. And, I got a Mac not too long ago. I will NEVER get another PC. It's like the difference between a bicycle and a rocket ship!
Sounds to me like you were having a little sickness over Gary's surgery : )
What a couple of days! I am with you on the Mac. I got an iMac in Dec. Love it. I hope Gary's recovery goes well. Poor PC. I bet that was hard getting him up. Hope he is not too sore.
Oh no! Terrible day that was. Everything bad happened on the same day.....
I'm still trying to go back far enough to find out why Gary needed foot surgery. Poor guy. He must hate that he can'd do anything to help you around the farm.
I hope he gets better soon.
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