But, there is no choice about going out to the barn (I love it anyway). Grained the horses and put the hay under the shed roof again.
It was hardly raining when I finished cleaning stalls. 3 of the horses left their hay for the back pasture.
Of course I forgot to set the clocks ahead an hour last night...the horses did not know the difference.
Having been spoiled by nearly a week of beautiful weather, I was not happy with 35 degrees.
99% of the snow is gone...the rain washed the last bits away.
Had lunch, then took a shower and got ready to go down to The First Baptist Church for a Talent Showcase Benefit (for the Aurora House in Spencerport/hospice and Haitian earthquake disaster relief). Our chorus performed there.
We were able to warm up before things got started.
Below are Christin and Alden Snell...both amazing musicians that accompanied the choruses.
Jim S. was giving me the business....
My good friend Deb was there to support her husband Tom, who joined the chorus a few short weeks ago.
Our director soon discovered that the acoustics in this structure were great.
The stained glass windows were beautiful.
The program opened and closed with violin solos by Gabrielle Monachino, accompanied by Alden Snell. Please listen to a clip below. She is still in high school! Very accomplished!!!!
Our friend, Joanne Gilbert-Cannon, is the pastor of the church ...she greeted us.
Dick Carter organized this event and participates in the Spencerport Chorus as well as the church choir. He also happens to own the feed store where I get my grain.
All this music made the day beautiful.
The group below... Thursday Night Musicians from Spiritus Christi.
Got home a little before five and picked up the kitchen.
Out for evening chores around 6 (forgot my camera and was too lazy to go back and get it). Took this shot when I got back to the house. Geese, Geese everywhere.
Gar had a veggie burger waiting...lots of yummy onions.
Down at the Benefit, they were having a baked food sale. Look what we bought....
A beautiful pecan pie made by Luanne C.. As we knew it would be a bad idea to eat the whole thing (so rich), I invited the Talleys and Cannons up to the Farm for dessert.
Do you want ice cream, whipped cream or both? And how about that strawberry garnish?
We ate the whole thing!
Our guests met for the first time and we had some great conversations. Jo is always busy, so we were lucky to corner them for a few hours.
Tom and Deb are always ready to do things with a moments notice. My kind of people.
This day is what life is all about. Community...singing (if you have time, please watch the videos)....friends.....food...nice fire...cozy kitchen...and a whole lot more.
Scroll down to the bottom and turn off my playlist so you can hear the three samples below.
Just click on the arrows, so they will show up! Thanks...
The Spencerport Chorus
Above, the three choruses sang "Let There be Peace"....I thought I would try to record it while we were singing, and used my old pink Sony Cyber-shot...pulled it out of my bag and set it on the piano...worked pretty well.
You won't believe this one!
Gabrielle Monachino is playing "The Swan" on the violin. Thank you for listening!
Night all.
Beautiful shots there inside the church! The stained glass looks gorgeous--not an easy capture :) Dinner looked good too!
The stained glass was like beautiful art...I just love them. The music was beautiful. Thanks for sharing.
I wish I lived closer so I could be one of your guests, too. I love to do things last minute, too. And I enjoy an adventure for sure. That pecan pie looked so yummy!
I like how you can garnish up anything and make it look like a gourmet meal. Even the veggie burger looked fancy!
Yay for rain. I'd love it if it washed all this darn snow away, but then we'd only have brown mud and dead grass to look at. Nothing like your glorious green grass to enjoy. No wonder the horses left behind the hay. I would, too, if I were a horse. hehe!
word verification: sting
Can you believeon Saturday we had a bee buzzing around Apache and I? And the next day it snowed. I wonder what happened to the bee.
Oh! And I forgot to say that I love older men who wear bow ties. They are so cute and approachable. I just want to hug them. I don't know why. I must be weird. lol!
I haven't been commenting because I'm so behind on reading blogs but also trying to spend as much time outside as possible, but did want to say you guys sounded great! And the young violin player is fantastic!
how do i listen to the song?
how do you listen to the songs?
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