After 7, the apricot skies returned.
When I shot directly at the sun, the star shape appeared.
Off to an earlier start this morning. Had a grain delivery at 8:30. What a fuzzy picture!
Finished cleaning the stalls and threw down some hay from the loft. A week's worth at a time.
Gary was kind enough to stack it for me.
No sheets today from the get go.
Snow makes a great backdrop....
With all this melting, the pasture is turning into a disaster area.
In the next couple of days I will turn them out in the back pasture, which is higher and dryer. This one can be left alone until it dries out.
The pooches were on the prowl.
This run-in is available to the horses everyday and they seldom use it for anything other than a toilet.
Fortunately for me, Gary dumps all the manure and keeps the pile in pretty good shape. When the snow goes away, some local friends will come up and get it for their gardens. They sell vegetables and plants at a roadside stand.
The snow banks are going down gradually, but where it was not piled up, the grass started to appear.
In some areas near here, the temperature was around 50.
My class arrived at was a small group.
Sandy finished her drawing.
Tina is almost finished with hers...
Mel started a new one using watercolor pencils.
Tina delivered a color copy of our flyer for the Art Show. I put it in one of those plastic frames that stands on it's own, and will place it at the Library tomorrow so people will see it and come to the opening on April 3rd. That's not too far away now.
Gucci and Phoebe performed for Tina to get some treats.
They are so into this groove.
After class I took a disk of some of my photos down to WallyWorld planning to make some prints to put in a photo album for our art show.
Instead, I made a book and I love it. The photos are very clear and crisp.
I am getting more serious about showing some of my work.
Now that I have figured out how to do this, I am going to make many more books.
It took so long, I did not get back to the Farm until 5:30.
Went out to do evening chores and got back in the house for a quick soup and sandwich dinner.
Duplicate bridge tonight. Arlene (I think she turned 90) was my partner and she is one sharp cookie. She has done all the scoring for as long as I can remember and is an absolute doll. We had a lot of laughs, but did not do very well.
I need to tie this up before it is tomorrow. Night all.
Wow!! 50* is such a treat. (It was 9* today and so windy. Froze!). I bet the horses are loving not having their blankets on. Looks like Spring is right around the corner for you.
Like the books! Good idea!
Our snow is still around, but I'm keeping fingers crossed that it'll be gone soon, with mud to follow!
When you go to make another book of your photos I'd like to go and learn how. Looks like your first book turned out great. (Guess I'll have to go to the dreaded Walmart).
Glad it's warming up for you some. :) The mud is the downside to that, but I'm still happy warmer weather is on the way. :)
The sun pictures are so cool!
I love those photo books. I might have to get one of those made. Did you make it on the little photo kiosk?
Love the flyer. Looks like you are ready for Sunday Stills :-D. A friend did a snapfish book and it was really, really nice and you can do those from home. Neat idea. I'm going to do one my spare time.
It's been raining all day here and it's quite a mess!
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