Let's see how long this 5 foot pile of snow hangs around.
Chores....the usual drill.
Even tho it was pretty mild, snow flakes started to fall.
Remember that flat screen tv I got for our bedroom? Well, I put the old one out in the feed room. I "installed" it on a crate with baling twine and it provides entertainment as needed.
Got in the house before 10 and vacuumed the downstairs before my class arrived.
The dogs know, when Tina walks in the door, that they are in for treats if they respond right to a couple of commands.
It is all they can do to contain themselves.
Check out the work from today's class...
Sandy is finishing up her pastel drawing...
Mel has started a colored pencil drawing of a lion.
and Deb continues to work on her book.
Tina has started on a new colored pencil drawing.
That's when it happened. The sun was still bright and it was time to get outside with my camera...something different, huh?
Everywhere I looked, was an opportunity.
I need to use my zoom more.
I have been missing that blue sky.
action shot?
The pigeons were waiting to see if I would open the indoor.
It's funny, the pastures have been open, but the horses hang out in the front paddock and stay close to the back of the indoor. I guess the snow is just too deep.
I'm looking forward to the new windows that are going in the Studio Barn. It's going to be a perfect place to hold my classes when it gets warmer.
The temperature hit 42 and we have some serious puddles (with lots of mud on the way).
A little after 5, the sun was brilliant to the west. My dirty windows don't do it justice.
Went out to do chores...Pony wanted me to hurry.
She had to wait a few more minutes while I got the grain ready.
Dream was the last one in the barn. Those darn orbs are showing again!
After they were tucked in, I picked the paddock and checked out the sunset.
It won't be long 'til daylight saving time begins. Fine with me.
Dinner? Leftovers. Been there, done that. Night all.
I love the lion drawing!!
You took some really great pictures today!! The sun does wonders lol. I agree you should use your zoom. I love zoom. :)
My favorites are the dogs bouncing down the drive, the shadows on the snow and the cool little tree in front of the barn. Wonderful pictures. I love all the rest too of course. :D
Sounds like you are having similar temps. I'm starting to see patches of grass. Last weekend might have been my last time out skiing.
Dang! Looks like you're enjoying your camera and the sunlight. Lots of nice photos!
Love your blue skies - we were gray today - but a big moon tonight so perhaps tomorrow.
I love the pictures of the girls waiting for their treats!! Beautiful, minus the picture of Gary's croc's!! LOL!!
Oh *Sigh* that was a wonderful post,Lori. So glad you had blue sky. I love the dogs sitting for Tina. They are very intelligent and like mine, will do anything for a treat! ! (ha!) Thanks for showing your students artworks. I love it. (((Hugs))) Jo
I loved the pic tour. That sunset shot is amazing to see - we are in a valley and I don't get those evening views...
Queen of the mountain - how cute! Brilliant pictures, as are your students. That picture where you said your dirty windows, etc. made me think of a Christmas card. I used to know a horse who could turn his radio on and off - had a bull's eye in his stall that was connected to the radio - pretty cool.
That's some nice artwork.
They must have a good teacher.
Beautiful artwork! Very pretty sunset picture! I am not looking forward to all of the mud when it finally warms up here.
It's lovely to see the sun. Wonderful pictures...I especially like the red barn lines against the blue sky, beautiful cupola.
Sunny :)
As always, I enjoyed my visit. I love the silhouette picture. The Dream rolling shots were fun too :-).
Lori, your blog is a daily joy, blue skies or gray, you make it all look beautiful.
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