After I posted my Sky Watch photos the pups and I went out to the barn.

By then the sun was a little higher. Have you noticed that almost every morning their are "plane tracks" in the sky?


It was extremely cold this morning...in the 20s. The wind was strong and the water trough had ice on it.

Phoebe and Gucci went in early and sat near the window in the sun. That must have been around 8:30. Jenny picked up her Dad and they went down to Java for coffee...Cooper went with them.

By now the sky was brilliant. (More tracks).

The rain we had earlier this week made everything perk up...from day lilies to the grass.

I fed the ponies their hay in the pasture today. The sunniest spot around....

Jenny and Coop hung out with Grampa, then she met a friend for lunch and the Coop ate with us. He was picked up around 2:15 and I headed into Brockport to recheck one of the cars I looked at yesterday.

The car dealer was having a vechicle dispersal sale and these two guys put together their best offer after what seemed like hours of negotiation. I have never bought a car this way...it was a very lengthy process, but I was able to get everything done and take it home in a matter of hours.

Look at all the junk I had in the back of my PT Cruiser.

I will probably miss that little car, as I have had it for over 8 years.

But here is what I ended up with, and I like it very much. Hopefully it was the right move.

I finally got out of there at 5:40 and had to go to the feed store to get some dog food. As soon as I got home it was chore time.

When I let the horses in, the sun was shooting beams into the barn.

If I had more time, I could have taken lots of shots.

Back to the house around 7:30.

The light was changing quickly.

I took Gar for a ride in my car and we ate a very late dinner. I am so tired!
Night all.
Bye PT Cruiser!
Very cool skies and lines there!
Burrr..it did get cooler here too for a spell.
That is a nice car..really different sale too!
Good night Lori
Wow! A new car! You are full of surprises. I hope you enjoy it.
I am off now to have a look !
Lori, I hope that you enjoy your new car - it looks lovely ! (Sorry previous comment I wrote for this post was meant for anotehr post !)
Congrrats on the new car!!! Drive safe!
I do admire your energy, Lori. Hope Gary is getting better daily.
Regards, Mike and Ann.
Very cute car - hope it works out well for you!
Buying a new car can be so stressful. Looks like you got a good one. I'm so tired too - must be the end of winter dragging us down. Here's to more sunshine and the forsythia which is just beginning to bloom~
Lori...all of the best with the new car! I love it!
It's always fun to have a "new" car. Looks like a 4x4. That'll be handy.
Don't you just love the green shoots in spring?
Congrats on the new car! Looks fun :)
Oh no! You dumped the Cruiser? My heart is broken. I'm going to keep mine forever, I hope.
Oh wow! The photos are amazing! And I'm envious of your little green shoots. Nothing is blooming here yet. Of course we're still down into the 20's at night and we can get snow all the way into late May. bleh!
Congrats on the new car. I hope it works great for you.
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