No brilliant sunrise.

Lots of mud and water.

You can count on it!

Chores went quickly this morning. Found enough "dry" spots to put the hay in the front paddock. I don't even want to think about the state of the back pasture.

At 10 I drove Gar down to his Doctor's office, thinking his stitches would be removed....but they weren't. One more week.

Above, they are finishing up on Country Max...where they will sell everything from horse feed and tack to garden supplies and shavings. You name it. Should be ready in the next couple of weeks and it is only 3 miles from our farm. A nice alternative.

While Gary was waiting for the Doctor, I went to Wegmans and had the urge to look at some used cars. First I looked at this van....

Later in the afternoon I looked at this Focus (which I like). Not too long ago I said that my PT Cruiser was it til it rotted. Something has gotten into me!

Gar and I stopped at the Golden Eagle on the way home. It was good for him to get out of the house for lunch.
At 4pm I had a meeting in a member of a committee working on a Brockport/Spencerport Showcase opportunity during the WORLD CANAL CONFERENCE, being held in Rochester this September. Attendees are going to be taken by Coach to three of our local canal communities to give them the opportunity to experience victorian villages and all they have to offer. It looks like I will be doing my thing at the Welcome Center.

It was a great collection of people and included the 2 local mayors, Village historians, merchants, the head of the World Conference, the man putting it altogether, the owner of an Inn on the Canal and a couple of other movers and shakers.

I have had the pleasure of meeting Tom Grasso (on the right) who is the man in charge of this gigantic event...he is sitting next to Bill Andrews (Mr. Brockport).

It was raining when I got home at 5:30, so I put the ponies in right away. Not much picture taking today. In fact I was running out of gas....

Carol and Topper stopped in to visit Gary while I was gone and brought some fabulous homemade soup and crusty rolls. Delish! So what did Carol do? She washed the dishes and folded some laundry. How embarassing!!!!! Her soup refueled me!
I'm taking the rest of the evening off.
Night all.
Seems like our weather usually matches up but we haven't had rain for quite awhile. The temps dropped though, with the high only 38. But sunny!
Busy day - hope you get a well-deserved rest!
Embarassing or not, if someone wants to come by and do some dishes/laundry they can have at it. I'm getting really bored with the mundane housekeeping tasks. Good for you for taking the night off...don't want to wear yourself out and get sick. Thinking Spring, but not feeling it.
Well no wonder you were running out of gas. What a busy day you had. whew!
I'm amazed at all of the committees and events you volunteer and work for. Such a busy life you lead!
When you say that like the canals in Venice? Or something totally different?
Be careful not to spread yourself too think. Take good care of yourself :)
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