The majority were supportive last year and will probably continue to do so as the cause is so worthy. It was no ordinary event for this neck of the woods.
I had a great time photographing my buds and others from this great community of ours. For our size, we have an awful lot of generous people. They step up to the plate time after time whether it is something like this...or the food shelf...or the Welcome Center or whatever. If they are not giving dollars, they are donating time and energy.
Tonight there was a featured performance by Slam High....a group of like-minded teens who are developing their skills as spoken word poets for performances and slams, through an affiliation with Rochester's Writers & Books. They presented original poetry.
You just had to be impressed by the quality of the evening. Well done Brockport (again)!
I think I would be spending a lot of time at that library. Some libraries are very welcoming and that one seems to say come visit awhile. Looks like a good time was had by all!
I'm always amazed at what a full, rich social life you lead. I'm such a home body, introvert compared to you. lol!
I loved seeing the pics, though. And wow...all that food. yummers!
Maybe it's a good thing I don't get out much to social gatherings like that. It would be hard for me to walk away from a spread like that. hehe!
You live in an amazing community! I'm a great fan of libraries - wish ours had something like that - hmm, now you've got me thinking!
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