However, the light was even more beautiful than it was the past several days.
Can you see the way it was shining on the pups?
and the ladder....
The temperature was not too bad...
When I opened the door to the barn, Dream went out in a hurry. She started trotting back and forth and was blowing and snorting as tho she was afraid of something. I put her grain in and went on to feed the other horses...when I got to Abbe's stall, instead of eating, she felt Dream's anxiety and went out the door after her.
Ironically, they were both on the same wave length. Abbe was WITH her, not AFTER her.
I could not figure out what had them concerned.
Abbe went back in to eat, but Dream wanted no part of her food.
I closed off the big pasture so they would not destroy it any more than they already have. Had to dig out the gate to close it. Then I had to shovel out the one to the back pasture.
It was so bright I put the hay back there.
Most of the snow is gone from the front paddock.
Got into the house with time to catch a shower before going to chorus.
We had a great rehearsal today.
We even got in the groove for Loch Lommond...yes Mike, it was sounding like a bagpipe.
..and we are getting it.
We ran through all the music for our performance on Sunday and I think we are ready.
Before we went home, we headed over to the library so I could place my mini poster for our art show on the counter for all to see.
This is the back entrance. For a small town, we have one incredible library.
First I spoke to Patty, who has always been very supportive of my students and their work.
On the 20th, there will be a fund raising event held there (I bought a couple of tickets). Last year it was an amazing success and I suspect it will be the same this time.
Kathy was working at the desk. She checks out my Journal once in awhile so I had to get a picture of her.
Gary went over to the bookstore to pick up his paper and I got out of the car to give you another little tour of our historical village.
What a different look without the snow.
Lollygagged around this afternoon and went out to do chores a little before six. Boy, Saturday night we set the clocks ahead for daylight saving time.
Look what Gary made for dinner. It was delicious!
Time out! Night all.
I love the look of your town - nice historical buildings.
I love that light on your pups.
I love breakfast for dinner! Enjoyed very much the photos of the buildings and of course your farm. Love that library.
Mmmmm, "brinner." I love brinner!
Your dogs are the cutest ever!
It was so nice to catch up on you after so long...your pictures are beautiful as usual! I hope you'll come back and follow me again, I had to take time off cause of health reasons, I missed everyone SO much! I'm glad your doing well! - Rachel Wilmothfarms
It is beginning to look like Spring emerging huh! The light does look nice on everything~
Be well today my friend!Thanks for the smiles and beauty always~
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