the sky was pink.
Definitely the warmest it has been.
One hour later, the apricot sky returned.
Time to go out and do chores.
The daffodils are getting taller every day.
With all the melting, the outdoor arena was flooded AGAIN...same old same old.
No problem where we have grass. Not mushy on the lawn....
Fed the horses in the front paddock, but they preferred to go to the back pasture. I did some serious rearranging in the barn today....tore down the wall between Berlin and Pony's stalls...Pony will move to Winnie's old stall (which is gigantic) and Berlin will also have a huge space. The Dream girl will be back in her original digs. Now they all have studio apartments.
Why not?
Phoebe always manages to stay nice and clean, unlike her sister.
The only snow that is left....where we piled it up.
Here's where the mud pies come in....
Don't they look lovely?
A sign of spring?
Barb, the Dream is caked!
Invited Roger and Tina over for dinner...started on some asparagus so I could marinate it for awhile.
Also got the sauce going. Three guesses about what we are having for dinner.
Pretty soon this hibiscus is going to bloom...thank you Tina!
At two I went to a press conference at the Village job was to take photographs.
It was moderated by Carrie M.
The issue? Citizens were announcing opposition to the dissolution of the village.
Awhile ago, another group called for dissolution by getting petitions signed and going through proper channels. The village is in debt and taxes have been rising steadily.
Unfortunately, they do not seem receptive to the facts regarding the process. Not a dime would be saved and the village residents would still be accountable to pay off the debts.
Two tv stations came out along with a reporter from the Rochester paper. Four people spoke and the whole thing was over in half an hour. They are fighting to preserve the village and over 200 years of history. The board is currently working on reducing the debt by cutting costs across the board. One of the best quotes (by a board member) ...."You don't dissolve a community to fix a budget problem." My observation...if these concerns are clearly explained, the residents will easily make the right decision.
When I got home...vacuumed and set the table.
Went out to do chores a little before 6.
Got the ponies tucked in a little after 6 and headed back to the house. Tomorrow is going to be spent grooming.
Seeing that I had a head start on things...dinner was a snap.
Tina and Roger brought us some beautiful flowers and Tuscon bread.
Here's the salad...marinated asparagus, tomatoes, onions, crumbly blue, and croutons on a bed of romaine...a couple of hard boiled eggs too.
Nice, crusty bread.
Vegetarian pasta....with Romano cheese.
The kitchen smelled divine.
We even had dessert. Chocolate pudding on bananas topped with Granola and whipped cream.
Fit for a king. Night all.
Your morning sunrise photos are lovely. I continue to enjoy them ... they are beautiful! It looks like you have reached the mud-stage and horses do love to cake themselves. No horse is worth its weight without a good roll in the mud! We aren't quite there yet ... still lots of snow on the ground here.
I always get hungry reading your posts!
that does look delicious.
Your skies are beautiful too.
You have outdone yourself with these photos today!
I hope your faith in human nature is rewarded as your board member is correct. Dissolving to solve budgetary issues is nonsensical. When in this state it is better to move forward and invest in your vision of yourselves than move backwards and hope to salvage scraps from one who is starving. Or something like that. :-)
Looks like things are slowly melting around there. pudding. Looks so good.
Looks like a great day - pretty skies and good food and company (and horses) - who could want for more!
I know how you feel when it comes to mud. My least favorite time of the year. Great pictures! Our horses are all shedding, so I know spring is around the corner.
Wonderful; the melting snow and the first pics of the horses without the blankets!!!!!!
....I love the name of the enlarged boxes: "studio apartements"...soooo lovely!!!!
ahhh...that's what all horses love doing: rolling in the mud..."cleaning" and scrubbing..!!
My white horse at the moment has got a " brown-grey-black" colour also.., no shiny white at all!!!
...Cara Lori...the menu-composing looks excellent and the highlighting desert..!!!Heavenly indeed!!!!!!!!
have a happy and sunny weekend!!
ciao ciao elvira
Similar to your horses, as you know the Winnie old girl is young in spring and covered in mud. We groomed her for over an hour getting hair and mud off. I've been doing some Parelli's with her (someone loaned me DVD's with Linda Parelli and Walter Zettle),awesome. She seems to like it and really coming along. Too bad your studio stalls are not on the top floor of the barn, they could be Trump Tower Penthouses. :-)
After a winter in blankets, who can blame them when they start to roll and get muddy? Those are happy horses. We're going to get rain tomorrow, so I'm planning on a groom-a-thon. I think giving your guys "studio apartments" is a great idea. My girls love their big stalls.
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