Another grey morning, but just a dusting of snow. Yey! No shoveling.
As soon as I opened the barn door, Dream went into the front paddock and did her thing....
Then she got up and found another spot...
and down again.
Grained the horses (Dream goes back in for that) and loaded up my sled with hay. Definitely the easiest way for me to set it up in the paddock.
I try to keep the directions for chores up to date on a clipboard (just in case someone else has to do them). The list below is just the grain part...except for the supplements, which they get am only, the measurements are the same pm too.
The snow has started to melt a little, but unless they are in a shoveled area, it is very deep for the pups.
Around 10:30 I headed down to the village to pick up a few things (new white towels, lampshades for our bedroom...I even got a small flat screen tv).
By then, the sky was beautiful. Same old .... Wegmans.
When I got home, made some bean salad.
I drained all kinds of beans....kidney, garbanzo, yellow, green, black beans....
par boiled a couple of sliced carrots...
threw all that in a BIG bowl along with some onions and green peppers....
mixed up some cider vinegar, olive oil and sugar in a pot and heated it on the stove...
poured it over the beans, added salt and pepper, and voila....enough bean salad for a long time.
A pretty quiet afternoon....I washed all the new towels and assembled the tv so it would work. There is no cable in that room so it runs on rabbit ears (which in this case, does not look like the traditional kind). They are as flat as tag board and look like two wings. Very unobtrusive.
Gary had a meeting down at the Morgan Manning House.
Went out to do chores around 5:30.
The paddock is starting to look like a mini pond with all the melting.
But I can actually see the grass in part of the driveway.
Dinner? Leftover chicken and biscuits with a side of the bean salad. (Yes Jo, I put the biscuits on top of the chicken and gravy in the oven).
Imagine, no Olympics to watch tonight. That is fine with me, I was Olympicked out.
Night all.
East or west ... it's that spring-itching and shedding!!!!
I sure enjoy following along with you, doing your daily things.And now I'm hungry must have dinner.
Gosh...every time I see your posts..I get hungry. It always looks so good. That's it...I am putting "Dinner at the Skoog's" on my bucket list!
You work so smartly, Lori. A sled for the hay! I love it when Dream "does her thing" She really does enjoy the roll. And the pups nose-touching is precious. I love your bean salad - I do one but not so many beans - will try this one soon!
Another yummy day! Don't you think they should have New Year's day in the spring when things are actually new, instead of crammed in there with Christmas when people are already celebrated out? I do. Who do you e-mail to get that changed : )
Nice dogs pictures ! Funny rolling Dream ! And a beautiful sky which announces the spring...
I love how natural your life is. I miss that right now.. :-)
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