Morning chores went quickly with Gary's help. He went to Java for coffee and out to Hamlin Beach for a walk with Randy. I did some shoveling.
I was looking forward to watching the US vs. Canada Hockey game....
while sitting in front of the fire....
When I got in the house, I figured out what we were going to have for dinner and called Jen to see if they wanted to join us.
I made some fresh applesauce...
and put together the ingredients for chicken and biscuits.
The later it got, the brighter the sky became.
It has been many days since there was anything but grey up there.
The thermometer said it was about 38 degrees...
and the ponies lounged in the front paddock.
After shoveling this morning, the snow on the sides of the driveway was even evening I could see some stones and grass.
Around 5, the sky was the brightest.
By the time I went out to do evening chores it became much softer looking.
Can you see the pink?
Of course the pups were with me.
and the horses were waiting patiently.
They were tucked in a little before 6.
Made it to the house before Jenny and the kids arrived for dinner.
Mashed potatoes...
Chicken and biscuits....
Jenny brought a nice salad...
Homemade applesauce for the boys....
who wanted dessert but at the same time said they were too full to eat their dinners.
The little darlings!!!!
With some bribing they ate enough to earn their way to dessert.
Dessert? Finn picked out a Boston Cream Pie and Coop went for cookies.
After dinner, they played for about an hour and went home early enough to get ready for school tomorrow.
Now it's time to take a hot shower and get in some couch time. Night all.