
Friday, June 2, 2023

Strawberries and Lettuce

Yet another hot one, but cooler air is on the way.  Around 70 for the next week.

Once again, the ponies wanted to spend time in the run-in.

After chores I went to the bank and Wegmans and Gary started cleaning up the front of the house.  After the cedar trees were cut down we did not attack this area and it is so ugly.  This is going to take some serious effort.
I made a huge batch of pasta salad that will last us for days.  Had planned on roasting a chicken but it was just too hot.

I will be so glad when Little Wonder gets his hair cut off on Monday.  He pants like crazy when we are out for any length of time.

Dinner was delicious.  Pasta salad, tomato salad (with a little of our lettuce) and bean salad.

Broiled up some of Carina's was just right for this meal.

I also picked a few of our first strawberries and they were so sweet.
Bring on that cold front.

Night all.


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