Before 7 it looked like this...

By the time I was ready to go out to the barn, the sky changed.

Early morning light on Gucci....

a little later on Phoebe.

There she was...waiting for me to open the door.

After I grained the horse and put the hay out, I decided to try Dream and the King in the same pasture.

They stayed together for about an hour, and then she went back with the other horses.

Flowers were all over the place....

Gar and I went out for a brunch/lunch...a perfectly beautiful day. When we got back, Barb P. stopped over to see her horse.

We led him into the big pasture with the other horses to see what kind of progress we're making.
Only Abbe rushed him. When that happened, Dream ran interference.

All 6 ran into the front paddock, where Mustafa and Dream both flopped down and rolled.

The indoor was open so we let the dynamic duo go in for some quiet time.

They really seemed to enjoy it.

When we took them back out, Mustafa went back to his pasture and Dream went out with the others.
I spent the next part of the afternoon taking down a huge patch of bamboo.

I totally forgot that Barb was going to start doing evening chores tonight and set up the water and hay this morning.

The ponies were happy to go in for the night. Had to close the doors as the temperature was going down to the 40s. Today we were in the mid 60s.

Dinner? Late....veggie burgers with fried onions on whole wheat rolls, roasted potatoes, carrots and onions AND!!! I took the leftover fresh pineapple, topped it with a little brown sugar and put it in the oven while I roasted the other stuff. It carmalized and tasted DELICIOUS! Like candied pineapple.

I still have to get everything ready for taxes on Tuesday, and then I am seriously taking a long break. My body is pooping out! Check out the videos below...I'm going to bed! Night all.
The big roll....
King Mustafa-first time with the herd.
What a beautiful day you had. I love the silhouette of the horses in the barn.
He is a bigun! Glad that he fit right in to your nice herd!
Nice to see the ground and hear of the warmer temps for you Lori!
Your Header is really neat and homey.
LOVE the inside horse silhouette shot!
HAPPIEST OF EASTER TIDES to you and yours!
As always, your photo's are lovely - hope that you had a wonderful Easter !
All the flowers...so beautiful! The horse spashing the water was too cute.
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