Another beautiful morning.

By 7:15 the back yard was filled with sunshine.

Early April and look at these flowers that are just about ready to pop!

Barb came over this morning and helped me supervise KM with the rest of the herd.

Pony would not leave him alone...30 years old and she is in a major heat.

After the chores were finished, we took their sheets off. Sunny all day...about 55.

I separated KM from the group when Barb and I were ready to leave the paddock area. We will try again tomorrow and leave them together longer.

Barb helped me clean stalls, set up the water and hay and even dumped the wheelbarrows...and this is not her day to do chores! This kind of help is unheard of...and I really appreciate it.

The pups and I went to Brockport for a few errands. Before you know it, the canal will be filled with water for the season.

When we were driving down Park Avenue I had to stop and get a shot of these blossoms.

After lunch I went out to mow the lawn and lane.

These sweet little flowers were growing in the grass.

It sure looks a lot better around here.

While I was mowing the lane, the horses ran into the outdoor arena and pretended that the sound of the lawn mower was scary.

These "umbrella" plants have grown very quickly....the conditions must be perfect.

The bamboo looks like asparagus.

Gucci and Phoebe are not getting as muddy, now that it has dried out quite a bit.

Went out to do chores around 6:30 as we had a party to attend tonight.

This time it was Abbe's turn to ask me to hurry.

I'm still using a shedding blade on PC, Pony and Abbe. Berlin is pretty much shed out.

What a pleasure it is not to have to put these dogs in the sink. They go to the groomer in a few days...they really need it!

It's so nice to see the lawn in good shape. Got to take a shower so we can leave before 7.
All great pictures. Love your new header too.
Hello from another Western New Yorker! I just found your blog, and I'm enjoying your pictures. It's a beautiful part of the country to live in, isn't it?
Oh wow! Spring has really sprung in your area. So beautiful!!!
We've still got gusty wind and I don't trust that it won't snow again before June. It's just the way it goes up here. But at least it's warmer here now. We had temps in the 70's all weekend!
I enjoyed all of your photos today. You have a real photographer's eye. :)
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