We had a little rain last night and it was freezing this morning! In the 30s and very windy.

Barb had no chore duties, but she showed up and got right to work cleaning stalls and helping me put sheets on the horses. She is exceptional (and did chores tonight...I could get used to this).

We were supposed to pick up some hay from Christina's world, but canceled when it looked like rain.
The pups wore their coats this morning and were pretty happy to get back in the house.

Barb came back over around 12:30.

I wanted to demonstrate long lining with Abbe, so she could learn how to do it with KM.

Of course they all went to the outdoor arena and ran around like kids playing tag.

I finally caught Abbe...groomed her and took her over to the indoor. First I free lounged her, then we did a little work. She was a doll when I long lined her...just put the reins on her halter for now. After a few minutes I let Barb have a go at it.

My surcingle would not go around giant King Mustafa, so we just took him over to the ring and Barb did a little walking with him. I know the pictures are blurry....

but I like them anyway.

At 3 I went down to St. Lukes. There was a service for one of my bridge pals...the one who taught me how to play over 30 years ago. She will be missed by her family and friends...I always called her Bertis. What a sweet woman, and of course my favorite partner for cards.

Afterward we walked over to the Morgan Manning House for a reception.

At 6:30 we drove down to the Fenton's for dinner. Guess who was there taking pictures of me taking pictures of him....

Carol brought flowers....

We brought flowers....

and Joan made a fantastic meal. Beff Burgandy, noodles, green and yellow beans and a fabulous salad with strawberries, nuts and feta cheese.

After dinner we had some very interesting discussions. Below is Dick F., our host.

Home a little before 11 and ready for some couch time. Night all.
Here is King Mustafa in the indoor. Hopefully we can find a surcingle big enough to go around his body! Being turned out all day is really helping his hock (right hind).
A full day...
Wonderful day!
That's a lovely looking 'oss, Lori (King Mustafa). He moves well.
Regards, Mike.
Lovely (if long) day!
King Mustafa want out...now! hehe!
He sure is handsome. And lucky you to have an indoor arena to ride all year long.
And dear friends to enjoy good meals and great conversations, too. The spring flowers were so pretty. I hope ours start to sprout soon.
What a day! interesting series of photos and stories!
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