Another beauty.

Nice and light, not too dramatic.

Out to the barn at 7:30. Let Dream out and got the grain ready.

Finished chores in a rush, as we had to set up the art show at 10am.

I had lots of help and it looks like a good show.

We have never set it up this quickly in the past.

Brenda, Al, Jean, Donna, Tina, Sandy, Dick, Mel, Deb, Colm.....

A great turnout.

Donna and Brenda....
We finished up before 12 and 6 of us went to the Garland for lunch.

Several people had open faced Reubens. I wish I had ordered one.

Look at this wallet! Have you ever seen such a thing? I don't even want to tell you who it belongs to.

Got home and worked on the house as a lot of activity was coming up.
Around 3:15 Barb arrived with her new horse "Mustafa."

He was driven out to the farm by his former owner (and manager of a Hunter Barn)...Dick.

He is a 17 hand Hanovarian and one handsome boy...23 years old.

He was so happy to be in a turnout with grass, the transition was pretty quiet.

It did not take him long to roll.

That rest of the horses were curious, but not crazy (like they were when Dream arrived).

Dick left...

and I opened the indoor. They all went in for a good roll.

It was very hot this afternoon and I was not used to it.

Got in the house in time to set the table....

These are the first flowers from our garden.

Around 4:30 our special guest arrived from Kentucky! Sara, the crazysheeplady from Punkin's Patch. The first time I've met a blogging friend face to face. She and her dog Tilly sat out on the porch and talked to Gary while I started on dinner. Chicken Scallopine.

Made a salad with mango and bananas...and all of the rest of the stuff I usually put on....

To finish up, I added mushrooms, wine and fresh squeezed lemon juice to the pan (after I removed the chicken)....reduced it and added half and half, capers and parsley.

Served it over linguine and topped it with lots of cheese.

Can you imagine the effort Sara put into this? She drove straight through...over 10 hours...so we could meet and I could make her dinner. The main reason for the trip was to help a friend in Prattsburgh with lambing. So far 69 are on the ground with 69 more to go.

Her pup, Tilly, was her traveling companion. She and our girls got along pretty well.

Look at what she brought us!

At 7 we went out to do evening chores.

The whole gang was in the paddock...Barb K-S, Barb P,her husband, and all of us.

Just as I thought. Dream and Mustafa are going to be an item.

The sky was still beautiful and it was starting to cool down a bit.

At 8 Sara and Tilly left. We sure enjoyed their visit.

You can't believe how tired I am. Night all.
What an exciting day! The art show looks to be fabulous. I hope there is a big turn-out. Flowers from the garden? I am so jealous...you have no idea. And heat! How blessed you are. I am so ready for the snow to be gone. For Punkin's Patch to be able to drive 10 hours and be at your door is awesome. When I used to drive 10 hours I'd end up in Kenai, Alaska for hockey. Ten hours the other way and it is Nowhere Canada. The traveling you can do is wonderful. Hope you got a good nights rest.
What a delightful, rich day - thanks for sharing it with us!
Wow...what a busy day packed with lots of things to do.....thanks for sharing. I enjoyed reading the post of your day yesterday!
That (Mustafa) is a very good looking horse. By the way, our Christmas cactus, that blossomed last November when yours did, is about to bloom again. Is yours doing the same??
Regards, Mike and Ann..
As always, you apparently had your Wonder Woman cape tucked under your sweatshirt. I really, really enjoyed meeting you and Gary and all the rest of the happy family. What a lovely place to live and visit, whether in person or online. Thanks again :-).
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