Buckle up, 'cause this trip took most of the day.
Not a very beautiful morning...grey and damp. Recent conditions have the hostas pushing through the ground. These are in front of Gary's barn and are in their third year. Should be huge.

Today when Dream wanted to go with King Mustafa, I decided to leave her there all day. The rest of the herd went to the back pasture....

and the dynamic duo had three pastures.

A pretty foggy start to the day.

As you might guess, both dogs ended up in the sink this morning.

Chores were completed in a reasonable amount of time. Got back to the house around 9:30 and took a nice hot shower before driving out to Batavia for an appointment with the dentist.
His office is in this beautiful old home and it has always been well maintained. I love the decorative iron work on either side of the stairs.

Batavia is about 25 minutes southwest of our farm, but Dr. Marchese is well worth the drive. (Just had to have my teeth cleaned).

As you can see, there are many examples of great architecture on the main drag.

On the way out of town, there were still many interesting abodes.

Below, is a storage barn at a local golf course.

That got me goin'. So I kept taking shots of barns all the way back to Bergen.

This farm is right at the entrance of the village. Can you see the young horse in the picture below?

A few doors down is this church.

Decided to stop at Ralph and Rosies. 2 slices of Pizza and a drink for $3.50.

This sweet pup waited outside while Mom and daughter ate lunch inside.

Then, I went a couple doors down to get dessert for tonight.

Jen and the boys came over for dinner, and have been in Nevada for a week...

so I picked up one of their favorite pies.

Greg'rys has been around for many years, and was sold to a couple of young women (sisters) a couple of years ago. They kept all the recipes and are doing a great job.

From there, I headed home.

When you see these fish, you have to figure that I had an appointment with the massage therapist. I can't resist taking their pictures whenever I am there.

Let me tell you, my old body has been totally messed up since Gary has not been able to help me.

I've been doing way too much heavy work....mainly lifting.

Right now, I must say that I feel quite a bit better!

A few more photos of houses I passed on the way home....

Main Street in Brockport.

There it is! I had to go by my PT Cruiser. It looked so good. Too late now.

Started on dinner when I got home. Chicken Helene...

a romaine salad with banana, tangerine, orange and apple with a wine blush dressing....

Homemade lomain...

and the chocolate cream pie from Greg'rys.

Jenny helped me with chores, and Barb came over to see King Mustafa.
When they were getting ready to leave, a magnificent rainbow appeared.

Bye Nanna and Grampa!

I'm posting the rest of my shots tomorrow for Skywatch Friday. Have you fallen asleep yet? This was one heck of a long ride.
Night all.
I got a warm feeling when I saw the pic of Russell's office----Jim, Chrissy and I lived in one of the apartments while Jim was teaching Jr. High History in Batavia----The 2 windows in the upper left side of the house were our living room ----Sara
Loved all your beautiful pictures Lori....the homes are just beautiful and your dentist has his offices in a lovely home..wow!
For me a thoroughly enjoyable and educational ride. Thanks Lori.
P.s. Even if it was on the wrong side of the road!!!!!
Cheers, Mike.
I love those kinds of houses, where things are not just right angles and there are porches and so much character. I know the heavy lifting thing. I need to catch up on some manure cleanup and I'm dreading it.
Thanks for sharing your drive!
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