In Brockport, on the other hand, the temperatures today were super arctic! About 8 or 9 with plenty of wind to make it even colder.
Our little herd spent the whole day outside. I opened the indoor for them...they had two run ins and a 60' shed roof and the meatballs did not use any of them.
The sky was very overcast and for a few minutes you could see the sun trying to peek through.
I fed a lot of extra hay today.
Around one I felt sorry for Dream, who would not come back into the paddock (Gary informed me that Abbe was keeping her out)...so I closed a gate and gave her and Winnie one of the run ins and a small pasture. They never went out...just stayed in an ate hay. Smart. Were my horses that smart? Nooooooooo.
After chores (Gary helped again) I shoveled the driveway for as long as I could stand it. The wind got so bad my body started to get cold.
The pups and I made a quick run into Wegmans.
It snowed off and on.
The sun came out for a few minutes while I was in the store.
It kept the car warm for Phoebe and Gucci.
It's a darn good thing I have these plants in the kitchen....
as they really can brighten up your day.
We had a good fire going. Gayle (Alaska), you are going to love having your new stove. I hope Homer gets it going real soon.
Justine did chores tonight and I had her put the horses in early. They deserved a break.
Made a salad and had leftover spags from last night. I am quite out of gas.
I sat in the rocking chair next to the stove...
and the dogs would not leave me alone...but it's so nice that they care!
I think I'll go tune into the weather report for tomorrow. Night all.
A rocking chair near the fire sounds pretty good to me right now - I'm hoping for a wood stove soon!
We had our first fire in it last night and I couldn't tear myself away from it. At one point I was all snuggled in with four dogs in my lap! Now if only my laptop worked...I'd never leave the fire! Hope your wind dies down. I think wind has got to be the worst. (We rarely get any).
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