Once again I put the hay in the front paddock so Dream can get used to eating there.
She stuck it out for the most part, but brat Abbe continued to give her the business.
When she wasn't bugging Dream, she was checking me out while I was in the barn.
Then it happened! Phoebe showed up without her coat on. First Gary looked around the yard.
When I finished the stalls I walked our entire property. All the way around the pastures and ring.
No coat. Then it started to snow.
Great! It was going to get covered up.
Not here....
Not there....
Didn't see it in the ring....
One more look in the back pasture.
I knuckled under and put some hay out back....
This shot is for you Sue (DVR).
I was just about ready to give up on Phoebe's coat...went to the indoor and picked up some cornstalks that were leftovers from our barn party. Walked them over to the compost area and voila! There was that sweet little pink coat, right next to the windmill. Happy day.
Today Justine finally had an opportunity to start working with Winnie. She has not been able to ride since July when she broke her arm.

All things went well!

Jenny brought the dogs up this morning for a run out back.
Ice and Buster loved it.
This is just what the dogs need, even tho they have a big fenced in yard. Freedom!
They left before noon. Gary returned from a walk in the village with Randy, just in time for us to meet up with Roger and Tina.
We decided to start the new year off with lunch at the Carlton Four Seasons Restaurant. I've taken you there before, and will do it over and over. The quality is unlike anything we have in Brockport. Fresh everything...all homemade.
Roger had a Reuben...
Gary had meatloaf with mushrooms and gravy...
Tina and I had a pork bbq....
And then.....dessert. Just out of the oven, banana bread pudding. Light and delicious!!!! We got two and split them.
I took pictures of the fish tanks the last time we were here (love fish photos) but they were gone.
Going out to lunch was so relaxing. No rushing. We were able to spend a few minutes with the chef and sure wish he would move his operation to Brockport!
Home by 2:30...the dogs were happy to go out.
Vegged for awhile until it was time for evening chores.
It's so cozy in the barn at night.
Dream was more relaxed tonight and dug into her grain and hay.
The pups assisted me....of course. Notice that they both have on their coats.
Got out some sauce and a few meatballs that I froze the day we made a couple hundred for Christmas eve. I knew they would come in handy.
Whipped up a salad and we ate at 7.
Time for a nap, even tho this was like a vacation day.
Night all.
PS May I say that all of you added a great deal of quality to my life this year. My Journal has been quite an adventure. I did not put a counter on for months and since then, have had over 50,000 hits! It amazes me that people are interested in the daily goings on at Skoog Farm. I have learned so much from you and more about you. Thanks for visiting. What a collection of impressive writers and photographers.
And, you and all the other inhabitants of Skoog Farm are a blessing!
Happiest of New Years. Can't wait to see what you do next!
Love reading about you "daily doings" - you describe them so well and the pictures are so interesting - you have a wonderful life and it's fun to share it!
I been reading your journal for a long time now..and love it..Happy Nwe Year..
Thanks Lori! Dream has the kindest eye! You must tell her Mom that I have begun the I Love Dream Fan Club :)
Wonderful pictures as always...so happy you discovered the missing puppy coat before it got buried in snow!
Thanks for sharing your world with us!
Absolutely wonderful post! I loved seeing the dogs, horses, the food, the snow, everything!
I'm curious as to how the coat came off and ended up near the compost area, though. What a wild ride it went on, eh? lol!
I laughed when you called the horses 'meatballs', too. I think you've been up to your hair follicles in meatballs lately. hehe!
Happy New Year to you, my friend! I wish for you a year filled with joy, peace, good health and loads of laughter!
Almost everyone of your days involves so many activities. I'm busy with kids because I have to be, but you are on the go because you want to be. Such a variety of activities...wears me out! :)
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