Started spitting on my way to the barn.... I put the hay under the shed roof
and in the run in.
After chores I went into the house and spent forever making cards for about 100 pieces of art work. Over and over. Started doing them by hand and they were ugly, so I did them on the computer (the long way).
At 2:30 I had an appointment with our Massage Therapist. I love the chair was made by her grandfather.
Needless to say, getting a massage is a good thing! I try to do this once a month (so does Gary).
On the way home I stopped at Wegmans and picked up all the ingredients for Thanksgiving. There should be about 10 of us and everyone is contributing something. I'm in charge of turkey, stuffing, mashed potatoes and cranberry orange relish.
By now it was pouring.
Phoebe, miss queenie, knew enough not to go outside (an old photo) when I went to do chores.
Gucci, on the other hand, is not bothered by anything.
She got nice and muddy.
After I wiped her off with a towel, for some reason she chose to get all cozy on the hearth.
While I was in the barn, Gary made dinner. Bacon, eggs over easy, homefries and an English Muffin....and lots of fresh squeezed OJ. The perfect meal when it's dark and raining.
Of course I can't sign off without plugging my art exhibition just a couple more times!
Please join us Saturday Night, 6-9 at Marti's on Main in Albion.
There will be over 100 pieces of work and many will be for sale.
I know it's out of town, but I sure hope you will make the trip. My students and I would really appreciate it!
Time out.... Night all.
Send us some rain puleeese.
Dinner looks scrumptious.
I would have loved to come! Your art classes are awesome!
Only wish we could, Lori, but wish you the very best of luck with the exhibition.
Regards, Mike and Ann.
You have pouring rain...Fairbanks has -26. I almost think I'm getting the better deal.
I like the colors in the one of the horses you featured today. Good luck with your showing.
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