"Look at that sunshine!"
A positively gorgeous morning. There was a little frost on the barn roofs, but it disappeared very quickly.
Gave the horses their grain and then I put their hay on my trusty little plastic sled and dragged it out to the back pasture where it was nice and sunny. Do any of you use a sled? It works year round.
I can't believe I have not had to blanket the horses yet. It was at least 50 today.....again. What a break.
Before lunch, Gucci and Phoebe went with me to find some rolls of roofing material.
I have a 16x16 area that connects to the horse barn and the rain has found a way to sneak in on one of the corners. I used to use it as a stall when Joe was still with us.
Anyway, these rolls each way 90 pounds and I had to get three of them. Fortunately a nice and strong young man put them in my back seat. Not having a truck hasn't stopped me yet. My poor little PT Cruiser has hauled tons of horse related things.
I built a fire, had lunch....did a load of laundry and vegged for most of the afternoon.
I had some photos of the macaroni salad I made, but I guess I forgot to post them. Oh well, Gayle will one up me tonight!
Around 4 the clouds were soft and light...
Gucci was looking for the teasing chipmunks again.
Out to do evening chores...Setting up in the morning makes is so easy at night. 10 minutes at the most.
Tried to get this done early so I can watch the finals of "Dancing with the Stars." Can't help it...I love to dance and have helped a friend teach Ballroom Dancing to the Physical Education classes at the college. Such a good time. And so.....night all.
I love the first photo of Gucci looking out the window. How did you ever run your farm before you had the team of Gucci and Phoebe to keep you from goofing off?
Gucci is your best buddy to always stick by your side. What a good dog!!
Reading about loading the PT, when I did have the horse years ago, I used our Volkswagen van exclusively and it never once failed me. Hauling hay, feed, lumber, tack, saddles, etc., etc. it was a strong, dependable workhorse (pun intended.)
Of course, it always smelled like a sweaty stall and humid tack room. (Kind of like my wife and daughter after a day riding and mucking in Florida's sand, heat and humidity.)I wonder if the subsequent owners EVER got that smell out?
Beautiful photo's.. Loving the weather too its warmer then what nov should be like ..but I did hear we are going to get some rain and colder temps with some snow..Hope you have a great day ...
Lucky you with the weather. I watch the DWTS too.
Thanks, Lori, for showing us such beautiful moments from your day.
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