No frost and 40 degrees.
Another beautiful sunrise.
Yesterday I told you about a gift that was brought back to us from Israel by our friend Judy.
Here are some photos.
Folk art.
Simple, yet beautiful.
My time of departure for the barn seems to be around 7:30. Gar came out to help me with the stalls and were finished by 8:30.
We ended up with a cloud cover for most of the day, but the temperature got up to 54.
Madamoiselle Gucci was on patrol.
Darrin and Trina came up to get Winnie ready for a lesson out at Glen Darach. When I went out to see them in the tack room, all the horses were hanging out in that vicinity.
Look at the back on Pony...she'll be 30 in the spring and still is a cutie.
Berlin entertained us with her rolling technique...didn't care at all that Gary and his radio were about 10 feet away from her.
Winnie's coat is getting more and more beautiful as the weather gets colder. It's like the fur on a black bear.
While she was gone, the remaining four horses paired up....color coded.
I went into the house and sat in front of the fire.
Watched the movie "Once."
I took the dogs out for a little jaunt as it started to get dark.
Trina did chores tonight.
This photo is for Mike in the UK. He posted a photo today of his Christmas Cactus and it was also in full bloom.
Gary worked on the barn foundation until it was almost dark.
As per usual, the sky was at it's best between 4:30 and 5.
I love the colors in the shot above...they can all be found in nature.
...and a different point of view.
I was a lazy bum today. No riding, no leaving the nothing. But let me tell you, sitting by the fire was great. I'm outa here! Night all.
Not going out anywhere, for a change works well some times... Nice pictures!
- Pixellicious Photos
We had a lovely day here, too. I really liked the movie Once and should watch it again. Thanks for sharing your day and your pictures!
Hi Lori. I think plants must have better body clocks than ours. Our Christmas cacti are on different sides of the world, and they both know when to wake up and flower. Regards, Mike.
Sometimes sitting by the fire is exactly the right thing to do!
Beautiful pics of your horses. Your almost 30 pony looks wonderful.
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