That sawdust sure makes cleaning stalls a lot easier. Too much waste with shavings.
Fortunately, the sun came out and things looked good....for awhile.
When I got back in the house it was time to get serious about our Thanksgiving dinner.
Cleaned the turkey, salted the cavities then started on the stuffing.
First I melted 1 stick of butter...added 4 big onions and 2 bunches of celery that were chopped in the food processor ... sauted until everything was nice and soft. Stirred in 1 1/2 bags of stuffing, parsley, salt and pepper. When it was well mixed I added three apples chopped into little pieces. Tossed it and that was that.
Stuffed the turkey...put on 6 strips of bacon and dots of butter.
Gary helped me peel the potatoes. Started the turkey at 1:45 and realized that I had not allowed myself enough time. Turned up the heat for the first couple of hours.... While working in the kitchen, we watched some repeat episodes of "The Closer." What a great show. The writing is fabulous! The new season starts December 9th and I will be there.
Went out to do the chores at 5pm. It was already dark, as we ended up with a rainy afternoon.
Abbe, PC and Berlin were caked with mud and I did my best to clean them up. Tomorrow it will be in the low 40s with rain, so their sheets will have to go back on.
Back in the house to take a quick arrived before I was done.
Louise and Arlene helped Jenny with an appetizer she cooked up....
Gary, Randy and Jack had a chance to talk...a lot of it was regarding the orchard at Apple Creek Farm.
Kevin brought me this BEAUTIFUL bouquet of roses.
Fortunately, the turkey was done by 6:30 so we could get on with the dinner. It was one of the best we've ever had...moist....juicy.....
I used the drippings to make my gravy...added a little white wine and finished it off with sour cream.
Made a HUGE bowl of mashed potatoes...
We also had moist and dry stuffing, cranberry orange relish, black olives and sweet pickles, waldorf salad, roasted brussel sprouts, squash and corn with lima beans. (I forgot to mention dinner rolls).
Jenny made 2 pies for dessert. Pumpkin and Pecan.
The fire was going in the kitchen, and by then we were already for a nap.
Randy (and Arlene) stayed to help Gary do all the dishes and I could not stop yawning.
Gucci thought a photoshoot was in order.
I managed to get the dining room/studio back in order.
Time for some serious rest....
We sure do have a lot to be thankful for.... Night all.
Looks like a great occasion - thanks for sharing your day with us! I agree about shavings, we don't use them either - we use pelleted wood bedding and have had good luck with that - easier to store and clean.
Lori and Gary. You do, as you say, have a lot to be thankful for; and we are thankful to you, for sharing it with us.
Our thanks, and warm regards to you both, from us both, Mike and Ann.
No wonder you are tired. What a spread you put on. Looks fabulous. I could almost smell it, it looked so good.
I agree. We all have so much to be thankful for. Glad you had a nice day...every day.
You dinner looks wonderful especially the turkey. Nice looking table, too. If I had your fire I'm afraid I'd never get anything done. I love to sit by the fire and the heat makes me fall asleep. Not such a bad thing, is it? Glad your Thanksgiving went well.
Yummm! Says it all...
You are so blessed to have your family close by. I put on a traditional dinner - for two. Your dinner looked wonderful.
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