The pups and I went out to do chores and we were joined by Gary a few minutes later.
It was so cold! Frost everywhere.
Almost looks like a light snowfall...but it isn't.
It was not until after 8am that we made it above 30 degrees. (Which would be a heatwave in Alaska...right Gayle?)
Jackets were required.
If I shoot straight into the sun, I get this golden glow...I'm likin' it.
By the time the horses finished their grain, the frost disappeared and they ate their hay in the pasture again...the warmest spot.
Headed back toward the house and Gucci headed toward the woodpile around the base of the willow tree. I'm pretty sure she was following the scent of a squirrel.
She is really quite a hunter.
Gar and I drove down to Java for brunch.
Main Street was pretty least there was no construction going on.
Above are two of my friends, Kendra and Donna. They frequently meet in Java to catch up on the latest happenings.
I had my usual breakfast...poached eggs on whole wheat toast with homefries and a small OJ.
Joe was getting ready to drive back to NYC where he teaches. I'll bet he got a latte to go.
Chet was waiting for him out front...talking to Gary. I need to tell you about Chet. He loves to bake bread...and for the past several years he has been passing out hundreds and hundreds of loaves to his friends. All kinds! My favorite is his roasted red pepper. Frequently he would show up on Sunday morning at the Farm Market and give it away. Currently he is working on a book that sounds so interesting...he also has a website called "Breadtime Stories."
I have to go check it out. Anyway, this is one generous man. Another example of the giving people in this community.
A local photographer put up this screen in Java and said I could show some of my pics on it. I put 225 shots of sunrises, sunsets and other sky views on a disk and they are playing it for me.
Went to Wegmans and spent the rest of the afternoon reading the paper and vegging.
Tina and Justine did the chores.
You are looking at my horse barn which is over 100 years old. This part used to be for cows. When we moved here, it was full of old car parts and cow stanchions. We had to get rid of an enormous amount of junk in order to construct some stalls. As we have lost horses, walls have come down and now we have studio apartments for each of the five that are still with us. Not fancy, but clean, cozy and home sweet home.
To all my horse pals out there...I have spoken to Tina today and she is getting better by the hour.
It is quite an adjustment, but she will get through this.
I think I will go cut up a mango and a banana and throw on some yogurt. Aren't you sick of turkey by now?
Night all.
I'm glad Tina is feeling somewhat better - please pass on our regards.
Really liked your photos with the interesting light!
Trina and I are glad to see Justine finally well enough to be at least assisting with chores. Hopefully soon the doctors will clear her for full duty and to be reunited on the back of Winnie. This week marks the 1 year anniversary of us being at the Skoog Farm and no eviction notice. Whew.... there are some that lost money on that bet. :-)
What a grand day you had. your temperatures are running about the same as ours. It has been a very mild November for us. The barn looks cozy. I'll bet the horses love it. Your town looks much like mine as well. Old mixed with new. i love that corner building.
Lori, you must rise so early! And I excited that you have your own gallery showing now. Cool! OK, goodnight
It must be quite enjoyable to have your months of snow be so few. Is it ever going to snow? Breakfast out looks like a nice social time. Sorry for Tina's loss.
Poor Sunshine for her, quite literally. Hugs for her, please.
Your barn is quite amazing. It's rare to see barns like that here because our winters tend to be mild and our history is so much different. Most folks don't stall their horses and just have 3-sided shelters or partial barns. And many folks don't have any man-made shelter for their horses or livestock at all, and instead just reply on natural trees and boulders for a wind break and shelter.
I enjoyed all your photos, but especially the photos of Gucci in her red jacket. She's adorable!
Oh! And I love poached eggs, too. You're blessed to have such good friends to join you for breakfast and make you bread. :)
I have always loved the golden glow of sunlight that you capture extremely well as it streams through your big windows into your home.
That's so great that your photos will be rotating on that screen. More places should offer that. (Can you put your blog address?)
Your friend's bread sounds uncommonly delicious. Pepper??
I was sorry to hread of Tina's loss. I am sure she must have been devestated.
Looks like a fun time in town - I like it when I can go into town for breakfast at the local diner.
Oh, you are so lucky to have a friend that bakes bread!!! I would love that. I'm going to check out his website... thanks...
Those roses gave me a huge lump in the throat.
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