Very windy....
By the time we finished doing the stalls, the sky was bright and I was able to take off the horse's sheets
This makes them very happy, but they tend to roll and get filthy.
Picked the back pasture. The outdoor arena still has some standing water in it. I hope it disappears in the next couple of days.
Below, you can see how Gary plants his garlic....the rhubarb is still going strong.
The wind died down and I hopped on the lawn tractor.
The dogs (of course) had to stay in the yard.
Mowing and mulching the leaves sure beats the heck out of raking.
A little before noon I decided to go into the mall to do a little shopping. I seldom do this, but today one of my favorite stores had 40% off EVERYTHING.
I took Canal Road...pretty soon the water will be drained and it won't look like this til spring.
Found a few things at the store and drove back to the Farm Market that is in the back parking lot. Found some tomatoes and red peppers....
It sure lacks the charm of our Farm Market (here in Brockport).
Got home and started on dinner.. .. Louise and Jack will be joining us.
Trina and Justine did chores...seeing that the temperature was 64 I didn't want the horses to go in before dark. I put them in before our company arrived.
Don't they look lovely?
Every single one will need a good grooming tomorrow.
Got in just in time to finish things up for dinner. I made a ham with a mustard and brown sugar glaze. Homemade lomain with peas...a salad of mixed greens, strawberries, mangos and grapes topped with gorganzola cheese and wine blush dressing. As an experiment, I made a simple chutney out of peaches and golden raisins to put on the ham. It tasted great. Louise made a deep dish apple pie that was served with vanilla ice cream...perfect ending.
After sitting by the fire, I could hardly keep my eyes open...I'm toast! Night all.
Beautiful day...Beautiful photo's
I love your blog! Just started following. My dream life.
Sounds like your weather was a lot like ours today. It was wonderful.
Generally speaking, It's been a lovely, mild, sunny Autumn here, too, Lori.
Oh, and by the way, that food looks delicious.
Cheers, Mike.
I think I've just mucked up an attempted comment. Just wanted to say it's been a lovely autumn here, too, and that the photographs of your food make it look delicious.
Regards, Mike.
Beautiful skies and horses.Your place looks spectacular.
Your dinner looks wonderful. (I bet the company was, too!). Ahhh, 64 degrees must have been wonderful. We currently have -1 and I'm really not in the mood for it. Still wishing I had that fire to sit infront of like you do. I wish I could blog everyday like you do. I really enjoy it, but raising five kids and all the dogs and on and on and on....just can't seem to find the time. It's either blog..or read blogs. And I'm enjoying reading. Thanks!! :)
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