But not as foggy as yesterday....
Put the horse's hay in the back pasture...had the intention of dragging the front paddock, but it never happened.
Instead, I loaded the pups in the car and did a couple of errands.
The first stop was Higbies Farm Supply, where I picked up beet pulp pellets and a couple bags of Safe Choice.
Then we moved on to the Genesee Valley Equine Clinic where I picked up some bute, to have on hand for Masterpiece (the 30 year old with the blown up knee).
It is quite a facility and all the Vets are women!
They have beautiful paddocks and provide a wide variety of services.
Home for lunch and then it was time for class.
Tina always bring the dogs a treat and asks them to do a few things for her.
My students were very busy today, all working on different projects.
A week from this coming Saturday we are having an exhibition so today we discussed refreshments etc. .
After class I finished working on a gigantic pot of ham and cabbage for dinner.
Went out to do chores about 5:15. It was pretty dark.
It didn't stop me from taking a few shots.
When are they going to stop rolling in mud?
Tomorrow I must do something with Abbe...like putting the bitless bridle back on her....
Because I set up hay and water for evening chores in the morning, it only takes me about 15 minutes to get their grain ready and put them in. I now pick the paddock and pastures the next morning....just too dark.
Dinner tonight....Apples and extra sharp cheddar cheese....
Cornbread and homemade jam....
and ham and cabbage (with carrots and onions).
At 7 I went out to play duplicate bridge and didn't get home until after 10:30. Now I am pooped. By the way...the temperature was still in the mid fifties today...very comfy.
Too late for a fire. Night all.
Wow! You pack a lot into one day.
Dinner looked delicious. What is the recipe?
Wow, what a day, Lori!
As far as horses and mud ... it's a universal equine pastime. It is their goal in life, to roll in mud and make us (their caregivers) feel useful. :o)))
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