Gucci assumed her post this morning as the sun was pouring in the kitchen window.
A little chilly, but a nice start to the day.
Fed the ponies out in the pasture (where there was no mud).
The sun was even shining into the stalls...
A message was waiting for me when I got in the house. Jenny called and wanted to know what was going on with those turkey sandwiches.
Phoebe and Gucci lounged until the crew arrived at noon.
leftovers....leftovers.... of course Finn and Coop preferred PB & J.
The next two shots were taken this morning when the light was coming into the kitchen.
Used my good old Sony Cyber shot.
The next two shots were taken much later with a Canon Power Shot.
I need to read the instruction booklet and learn how to use this camera to the max.
The rest of these shots were taken with the Canon.
I attempted to get the boys to model for me so I could work on some close ups.
Jen was sleepy after sitting by the fire. It does the same thing to me.....
I am going to learn how to do this!
Cooper above and Finn below. When Grampa got home they went out in the yard to swing and throw around a football...IT STARTED TO HAIL for about two or three minutes so they came in and had to change their pants (that got wet).
Gucci wanted me to take a close up too.
Started watching a 2006 Julie Christy movie after Jen and the kids went home. Excellent!
At 5 I had to pause it so I could go out and feed the horses.
They wait for me by the gate every night.
Fortunately none of them rolled today... and again I escaped putting on their blankets. How many of these bonus days are we going to get?
My last shot in the dark for the day. In the house for....a turkey sandwich and that's it! I've had it. Night all.
Love the horse shots in the dark! Glad you're recovering from Thanksgiving!
Yummy, turkey sandwich? I could go for one right now.
& I know what you mean about those pies hanging around!
Glad to hear you had a happy thanksgiving!
That sounds a nice relaxing 'day after'. We don't have Thanksgiving, but my favourite part of Christmas is foraging for cold leftovers on Boxing day.
Regards, Mike.
Nice pictures! Did Gucci and the horses get thanksgiving treats too?
We've got the turkey leftovers and pies too. I hope they're gone soon so I can stop eating them and get some exercise.
Love the picture of Gucci greeting the morning it couldn't be any cuter.And the roses are lovely too as are all your horses. Adorable children who look like they enjoyed their day too.You've got a very happy crew at your place.
Looks like a lovely post Thanksgiving.
Nice post. Makes me feel like I'm there curled up by the fire.
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