I went out to the barn and Gary left for Jamestown.
A pretty good frost covered the ground, but it made picking the back pasture easy....the manure was partially frozen.
Finished cleaning the stalls just before a friend arrived.
Saddled up Abbe and put on her Dr. Cook bridle...she seems to be adjusting to not having a bit in her mouth (I'm sure she's happier without those blinders too!) The more time that is spent with her (riding), the more convinced I am that I made the right decision about driving (as in not going forward with it).
All the training that went into her has made her a better educated pony...I'm just using it in a different way. No regrets. Anyway, today we started with a little in hand work and she was very responsive. She is going to be a pretty quick study when it comes to responding to my body language. What a good girl.
The sun was very bright, but it was chilly all day. A definite energizer.
Phoebe acts as Miss hospitality when we have visitors.
At 1:20 my class started to arrive. The first thing we did was to take an inventory of everything going in the show...then we wrapped and boxed or bagged the smaller pieces. When all is said and done, there will be just about 100 pieces.
Today Connie started a painting of poppies. It is the last page in her watercolor sketch book.
Dick continued with his watercolor....
Tina is really moving on her drawing of the fawn and kitten.
Mel has started on a new colored pencil drawing.
Jenny called and invited me to dinner....tacos. I offered to make Finn an apple pie (now that I get it!)
It was just about dark when I went out to do the evening chores.
The pie had cooled off a little, so it was not so hard to take it to Jenny's.
The kids had great appetites tonight. Especially Finn.
I turned my taco into a salad and had a taste of some leftover spareribs that Kevin made the day before.
When it was time for dessert, the boys wanted to have a little extra whipped cream.
Humor.....har har.
Got home at 7:30 and when I finish this, it will be time to see who will get kicked off Dancing with the Stars. I also have to hand print 90 labels for the art work going in the show. Hope you have enjoyed all the pieces I have posted. Night all.
Love the artwork. Especially the delicate poppies. Another action packed day!
Lots of great artwork! But the best looking is definitely the pie! Yum!
I must have missed the post about deciding not to drive...I saw the cart for sale and I thought "oh no!" So Abbe gets to be a saddle horse....yeah!
Beautiful pie! Nice that you got in a ride, too.
The show is going to be so well received. One hundred pieces is a lot of art and represents so much time, work and creative energy. You and each artist should be so proud and I imagine they (and their fine, dedicated teacher) will receive tons of praise. It's been fun seeing all the finished pieces and the process.
I guess the dogs are used to the cold and maybe even have more energy for playing greeter.
pies, kids and critters!~
I love your artclasses! You make me want to draw and paint again, haven't done that in ages...
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