Fortunately the sun came out before we went out to the barn.
It was beaming into the kitchen as the pups looked out at the back yard for chipmunks.
I had gloves on for chores, and my fingers were still frozen. Just not used to this yet.
Once again I put the hay in the was supposed to go up to the low 50s, but as far as I know, it didn't get past 41.
Other than going to Wegmans for groceries, I was quite a bum today. Sat by the fire, paid bills, talked on the phone, did some laundry, changed the sheets....blah, blah, blah.
Started dinner and went out to do evening chores.
The sky was full of pink.
Along with the darkness, the temperature fell quickly.
Put the horses in for the night....and went out to get the mail (I forget to do this almost every day).
This is the front of our house in the dark.
As for dinner...our homemade pasta sauce on spags, green salad and fresh Italian bread.
Got to go now....night all.
I think I would stay in bed all day if it was that cold.It is night here now and 80F. Just right.
Something about couch time when it is cold makes things seem right. It's 7* now, but supposed to drop to -15 tomorrow. Not really looking forward to that. Still wish I had your fireplace! Enjoy it this weekend for me.
Love the pups looking out the window.
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