Of course I went out to the barn and did chores (with my assistants).
Phoebe perches herself in this spot so she can have a view of the pastures, the barn and the driveway (in case a stranger drives up).
When I got in the house I wrote a recommendation for Courtney to use with her college application....then I thought it would be nice to vacuum the downstairs. Just when I was on a roll, Jenny called to see if I wanted to meet her and the Coop down at the Golden Eagle for lunch. I knuckled under, changed my clothes and met them there at high noon. In the meantime, Gary went to the Vets home in Batavia with the chorus. Our first performance.
Unfortunately, 3 have been scheduled during my class, and I will not give that up.
Coop brought along some of his cars....
...but what he really wanted was some crayons and a page from a coloring book. He knows that they keep these things up at the desk.
Got home in time to heat up some water for tea...my class arrived a few minutes later.
When Tina gets here (and this happens every single week) Gucci and Phoebe know she has treats for them.
She will not give them anything unless they sit.
And boy to they ever do what they need to do!
No new projects today...just working on what has been started.
We had a special guest tho....Mikayla (a sophomore in high school), who has been one of my students off and on for several years. She was given an assignment by her student teacher and decided to depict being "alone in a crowd." Pretty interesting. Even tho 99% of my students are retired and old enough to be her grandparent, they love her visits as she adds so much to the conversations.
Gary got home a little after 3:30. I lollygagged around and went out to do chores at 5. It rained this afternoon and the horses looked lovely in their muddy coats.
Not interested in making dinner, so Gary took us down to Mythos, where I had soup and a salad.
Now I have my PJs on and am heading out to the kitchen and the fireplace. Night all.
Call it "Night All" Or "The farmer's helpers" I love the two doggies. I would like to come to one of your classes but its a bit far.
Hi, Lori. I have always felt that the ideal arrangement would be to hibernate every year from now until late March; providing I was allowed to stay awake ALL summer to make up for it.
It sounds as if you are perhaps starting that process ????
Regards, Mike.
Sounds like you did plenty! Your doggies are so cute.
Have a lovely Thanksgiving!
Sounded like a perfect day to me. You guys have a great Thanksgiving.
Call it "Matchbox Cars and Dog Treats." That pretty much described the day up to the welcoming fire in the kitchen. And, Coop would have loved it.
My grandson is so excited to play with his little cars, trucks, tractors and planes. They end up everywhere.
You dogs are great! They SIT? On command? (I must work on this Florida Pekingese. Here Dr. Porter. Porter? Must first work on "When I call, Porter, you're supposed to come.")
Happy Thanksgiving to you, Lori, and your entire family. Enjoy!
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