
Saturday, April 29, 2023

A Birthday Party

A different day.  Ended up around 60 degrees and we are in for a lot of rain starting tomorrow.

The tulips on the kitchen table were pooping out this morning... time for from fresh ones.

I turned the ponies out and attempted to put more thought into how I was picking the stalls so I would not continue to make my sacroiliac worse.   That's going to take some effort.

Had to make a quick trip to Wegmans and then took it easy for awhile.  Gary went over to Northampton Park to pick up 10 trees that the Sierra Club was distributing.  He gave a couple to Jen, his friend Rob and to Marc (who came over for some manure for his garden) and we kept the rest.  Can't remember the name of them, but they have white blossoms and some kind of berries that the birds like.
Here is the new batch of tulips.  They are quite spectacular and I love the color.

Little Wonder and I went out for a short walk....

before we went to a surprise birthday party for Greg K.

It was held at the Park Ave. B&B.  What a beautiful place!
It was packed with family and friends.

Pam did a great job planning.

Delicious food and good conversation.

The big 70.
Do you recognize Greg?  He is the drummer in our band.

Jenny did evening chores, so I was off duty.
Night all.



Nancy J said...

Surprise parties are always the best, and what a grand spread. Tulips, my bulbs are waiting, chilling off, so to speak, before planting in a few weeks. Yours are stunning.

Val Ewing said...

How fun! Those tulips are wonderful. I have/had only one blossom this year. They must not like me very much!

Sandra said...

I did recognize hims your drummer! The tulips are so pretty. This looks like a good party, lots of happy looking people.