
Wednesday, July 3, 2024

Chasing the Sunset

Ended up being very muggy and near 90.

Rebel's still moving pretty well.  Tomorrow I will take off his boot.

After chores I mowed the lawn.

Rehearsal at 1.  One week from today we have our biggest gig (and we just had two weeks off...yikes).

Breakfast for dinner.  I was so hot.

Chores at 8:15....

then Little Wonder and I chased the sunset.  First time since last year.

Home a little after 9 and ready to hit the sack.
Night all.


Tuesday, July 2, 2024

Another Tuesday With Alice

We hit the jackpot in the weather department again.

Once again the boys came in just when I was finishing the stalls.

More blossoms all over the place.

Back in the house a little after 9.  Gary went to yoga and lunch with the geezers.
Alice arrived at 10.  When we went out to the grooming room, no horses were in sight.  However, when they heard us open the door they appeared and walked in on their own.  I love it when they do that.

The bugs were so bad, we had to put their masks back on.

We were finished around 11:30.  Neither boy would take cookies from us as I wormed them while they were there.  I don't think they liked the Quest Plus Gel flavor/consistency.
Rebel had no bute last night or today and he was moving pretty well.
This afternoon we had a couple of visitors and then Gary went down to Jenny's to continue painting her living room.  Very close to finishing so she can set things back up.  Before dinner, he continued to scrape and prime our own house.

This bowl of pasta looked great before we started eating....forgot to get a picture, but it sure tasted good.
Chores after 8
and they were happy to go inside.
Night all.