This sweet little puppy needs to be adopted. My friend Dawn, from Renaissance Equestrian Center, works as a volunteer in Batavia at the Animal Shelter and sent me this picture. Today Phoebe and I got in the car and went out to look at him (I told Gary I was going to Higbies to buy bran and beet pulp). I only drove 40 miles out of my way! Anyway....Marcel weighs about 10 pounds and has a good amount of poodle in him (he is not neutered). They have no clue about his age and list him as older. He was very friendly, clear eyed and happy looking. I am a real mush and don't want anything to happen to him, but Gary is not real excited about having any more animals. Marcel was found on West Sweden Road, which is not that far from here. I spoke to the dog warden from our town and not one person has inquired about him being lost. Weird. He had obviously been groomed (but would look a lot better if his hair was a little longer). Taking on a dog from a shelter is like buying a horse without a vet check. You really are not totally sure about what you are getting into (although I sense that he would be a piece of cake). What should I do?????
He looks like a Bichon Frise...and from personal experience I can say they are not my favorite breed. (but we are all different).
I guess the whole decision would rest on how Phoebe would react, and if they are compatible. And if you have enough free lap time. That's my big issue...everyone deserves lap time and I don't always have it to give.
Good luck with your decision.
I am afraid I am with your man on this one...
Lorelei -
Beet pulp? 40 miles out of the way?? You are just PRICELESS! Ha!
Te;; Gary, Fe says, "Look at that faaaaace!" What does Phoebe think? And, why can't you have a vet check if you were to ... umm ... want to? Me, I'm a big dog kinda girl, but ... look at that faaaace!
Oh, Lori! Don't ask me because you already know the answer to that! I can't go near a shelter because for sure I'd come out with an animal whether I could afford to bring one home or not! Come on, you have a big farm....what's one more little thing like this gonna do? And Phoebe will have a new friend!
I know, I didn't help....but, methinks you already know what you are going to do.... =)
I'm a softy on this one, because Marcel has the cutest face and somehow managed to make you drive 40 miles out of the way "just to look". I think like the others that you should look at how things goes with Phoebe, and if they get along well, I would have him neutered and bring him back. You have such a big place, I'm sure it will work out! That's my two pence from this corner of the earth! :-)
Sheba and Dennis sends hugs and kisses to Phoebe!
Make sure that he and Phoebe get on together, then follow your instincts. Oh yes - And be thankful you have enough land and space for yet another small animal.
Hope this isn't presumptious of me - anyway I think you'll do what you know you must, without all this unnecessary (but hopefully reassuring) advice from your friends.
Regards, Mike and Ann.
If you get him you have to rename him Beet Pulp.
I am a sucker for a cute face...they say animals choose us. Somehow he found you.
See- it's settled then! Poor hubby has no voice in the Dealings of Marcel Skoog.
I don't know if you will see this but we are the family who adopted marcel back in feb, 2009 and we just want you to know he is doing wonderful and very much loved! We feel in love with him the moment we saw him too and also drove about 40 miles to see him! He was every bit worth the drive as he is the sweetest boy a family could ask for! And according to our vet, he is 100% poodle! I just had to comment when I saw his sweet little face come up! He is every kind of dog all in one little body! Loves to play, chase squirrels, run and most definitely loves to be held! We laugh because we really think he thinks he's a person!! We are so blessed to have him in our family a really truly, completes our family!
I don't know if you will see this but I just had to comment when I found this tonight! We are the family who adopted Marcel back in feb 2009 and we too drove about 40 miles to see him, and he was worth every bit of that drive! The moment we saw his we loved him! He is doing wonderful and according to our vet is 100% poodle! He is a senior, but don't let that fool you! He is every kind of dog wrapped in one little body! He loves to play, run and chase squirrels, likes to keep or lab in line and most of all, loves to be held! He is definitely a big baby ( well, not that big at 13 lbs!), and without a doubt, is a mama's boy!! Our boy completes our family and are so blessed and grateful to have him!
Sorry that entered twice, I didn't think the first reply posted!
And I must apologize for the poor spelling, our iPad auto corrects, but sometimes corrects incorrectly!
Dear budsmom87...Can't believe you found this post! I'm so glad Marcel has a good home with you. They told me someone else was interested, and I said if it was a good home to let him go there. Shortly after that I adopted Gucci from that shelter. She is a sweetheart too. Do you live near here? I am in Brockport.
Hi Lori, and so nice to meet you! We were just as surprised to find this post too! We often wondered how he ended up at the shelter, and because of your post, we now have a little more info! We are actually in the Orchard Park area, quite the distance from where he was found! Marcel is actually named "buddy" now, or Joe for short, lol! He can be a finicky eater, so that is where joe comes from! I do remember the volunteers at the shelter saying someone else was interested and that if it didn't work out, they had a female poodle coming in, which must be your Gucci! I must say I was surprised when they called the next day to say we could have him if we still wanted him, but I must send a deep hearted THANK YOU for letting us take him! We had been looking for a senior poodle, from a shelter, for sometime. Growing up, I had a poodle that I loved with all of my heart, and he has been gone for almost 15 years now, and I had longed for another little guy since his passing. That being said, Buddy was everything we could have asked for! Our hearts are so full and I just can't thank you enough! We also are so moved by the Batavia Animal Shelter, what a fine group of volunteers they have. My husband will be the first one to say that that shelter is the only one he trusts, he knows they will give unconditional love to each animal that arrives there. As for Bud, he is really doing well, he had a rough first couple days, and I really did not know if he would be able to stay with us, he was very scared and acting aggressively towards our 92 lb lab! My heart broke for him because all he wanted to do was chew, so I held him for two days straight and he chewed through a sweatshirt, pair of pants and a tee, but after about day four, he seem to relax, got him to the vet, where unfortunately, due to poor oral care, had the majority of his teeth removed. I figured with the cleaning he would lose a couple, but I never expected the majority! When we went to pick him up, I cried, not sure how he would eat or play and our wonderful vet promised us he would be a much happier, healthier dog. And he was right, and with only three teeth, can you believe he eats his dry kibble, and chews on raw hides? Even wood sticks at the park! Amazing and what a difference it made! He is sleeping on my lap right now and I just want you to know, again, how much we love our boy! Thank you for letting us take him! And also, what a joy it was to find you post!
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