
Monday, September 23, 2024

If It's Monday

We finally got some rain last night and it was grey all day long.

Rebel was still hanging in there this morning.

They were both very happy not to be wearing masks.
Alice arrived at 10 for Spa Day and it was raining when we walked out to the barn.
The boys needed to be coaxed to get wet on the way to the grooming room.

Rebel let me pick all of his feet, so that was a good sign.

We were finished a little before noon.
Around 3 I got off my butt and made a banana cream it on this kind of a crust.

Seeing that I woke up around 4, I did get in a little nap time.  Leftover squash soup and a sandwich for dinner before going out for evening chores.

It was so dark all day....they were ready to go in.
Rebel's new boots arrive today.  Hopefully they will fit him.  Nice and light.
Almost totally dark when we got back to the house.  There's a Bills game on now....going to go watch it.
Night all.


1 comment:

Sandra said...

I love the photo of LW through the horse's legs! It's encouraging to read Rebel is doing well. We are completely dark by 7:30.