
Saturday, September 14, 2024

The Old Routine is Back!

Rebel was so bad this morning I could not believe it. He did not want to even walk over to his feeder and I fed him out of a bucket.  Left his gate open to get his mask and he hobbled out to the pasture.  Of course I had to give him some bute again.  Fortunately he had the boot on from last night.

After chores Gary went down to the Morgan Manning House for a bag sale (leftovers from the Peddler's Market) an pick up all these baskets for me.  When we give veggies to people we like to deliver them in baskets.  They have also been handy for us when collecting our bounty or taking a dish to pass somewhere.
I took a quick shower and headed down to the Farmers Museum for the Harvest Festival gig.  It was pretty quiet compared to other years.
There were several vendors and displays.  Kids love to play in this corn "crib."

Many people were taking advantage of the flower arranging many gorgeous blossoms were donated.
My friend Brenda was displaying her paintings....
(remember this one of Abbe?)
I had never seen the black cow painting.  Beautiful!
Her husband, Al was there with his bird carvings.

Donnie G. ran this event for years.  So nice to see him today.
We were set up and playing by 12:30...ending at 2.  No videos today.

Here's our last photo from the Farm Market.  Maybe someone will send me one from today.

Home by 2:30 and went out to check on Rebel.  He was doing much better.

I had a long chat with my friend, Andrea.  She is by far the most knowledgable horse person I know.  Really appreciate her input.  Last night I did order him some light boots.  The Vet said he has very thin soles and I'm beginning to wonder if he is getting bruised.  One day at a time.  He is doing me in, but I could never give up on this very sweet boy.
Ham and cheese panini's and chicken/rice/lemon soup for dinner.
Chores at 7:15.  You can see how dark it's getting at that time.

Rebel was able to get into his stall with no problems....let's see what tomorrow brings.

Night all.

Friday, September 13, 2024

Not Again!

80 degrees with plenty of sunshine today.  Little Wonder just had to find the muddiest spot.

Rebel went out just fine.

After chores I cut up a watermelon, burned some rice (so the smoke alarm went off), tried to clean up the pot....then went out and mowed the lawn.  Gary continued working on the front porch.
Late afternoon Buddy's Mom stopped over in her 2000 Corvette that is in perfect shape.
We went out and checked on the horses.  Rebel walked in fine.

Made French toast and bacon for dinner....still not eating normal meals.
Tomorrow there is a harvest festival at the Farmers Museum and Gary got together 2 buckets of flowers that will go into a booth for flower arranging (for children and adults).  May others have also donated.
Our band will be playing there from 12:30-2pm.

So at 7:15 I went out to do chores.
This is how Rebel looked!  (Fuzzy photo).  He was lame again, favoring his front left.  Three hours earlier he looked fine.
So I put a wrap on him....AGAIN and plan to order him some boots tonight.  Light weight boots.

I am so out of gas over this!
Night all.