
Friday, September 2, 2022

More Sauce

A little warmer today, but another beauty.

After chores Little Wonder and I took a ride down to the bank....

and when we got back to the farm I made another huge batch of sauce.  It is impossible for me to ignore all those tomatoes just waiting to be picked.  We must have around 40 bags frozen so far.

I did a little weed whacking this afternoon and took it easy for the most part.
Started dinner early so it would be ready after chores.  Sautéed two par boiled links of Italian sausage with some peppers and onions.  Sliced them up as the plan was to serve them open faced on the leftover Pane bread.
 We were asked to participate in a garden tour next July and I think it really has Gary motivated.  Our North Garden will be a third of what it is now, and 3 more raised beds will go next to the others.  Currently we are down to beets and summer squash there.
Janet did in-hand work with Ronin late afternoon and I missed the photo opportunity.....

but when I went out for evening chores he was right there waiting to have his picture taken in some very good light.

I had to call The Rebel and Seamus so they would come in for dinner.

Seamus found an apple and was trying to walk and eat it eat the same time.
Rebel found the good light too!

Dinner was like a picnic.  Open faced Italian sausage sandwiches, potato salad and tomatoes.
Night all.


1 comment:

Sandra said...

Seamus is determined! Beautiful horses in beautiful light. That dinner looks good.