By the time I went out to the barn, it lightened up.....
....wild cloud patterns.
The temperature was not too the 40s.
Had a grain delivery this morning and Tipper came along for the ride. She now weighs 7 pounds....still a baby.
Phoebe and Gucci were in the yard so they would not get in the way of the delivery van. When it left, they were back in the barn with me while I finished cleaning stalls.
At 11:30 Jenny brought Cooper up to the farm so she could go into Rochester for a hair appointment. He was a perfect gentleman.
By 1:30 my class arrived. As usual, they were all doing their own thing(s).
Sandy is starting on a portrait of Lightning (who is moving out of her barn).
Connie left her watercolors at home, so she started on a pencil drawing.
Tina has started her drawing of the fawn and the cat.
Deb has been working on paintings for her book on family history.
and Dick is working on a watercolor.
Tina framed her drawing of Buster...who happens to be Cooper's dog.
She also framed her donkeys. We are trying to get everything set up for our show in November.
If you live around here, I hope you will come to our opening on the 21st at Marti's On Main in Albion. 6-9pm.
The dogs were inside a lot today.
Even tho it was relatively mild outside, we had a fire going in the kitchen. Felt good.
Around 4pm I went out to get Abbe so we could do some poles and lateral work. Once again she was an easy catch and was very cooperative. I truly believe she is much happier doing this... Even tho she is good for Andrea (still green) my gut tells me that I should stick with riding and let the driving go. At my age, the possibility of getting hurt is a major issue. Abbe has gained a lot of experience and it will not hurt her.
Trina did chores tonight. I had a coupon for Subway (buy one get one free), so the dogs went for a ride with me to pick them up and that was our diner along with some macaroni salad from last night.
I am determined to go to bed earlier tonight.
This video should be second, and the other should be first.
When I let Abbe out of the indoor, she did not want to leave. After the door was closed, she took off in the video above.
That's it! Night all.
I sympathize with you not wanting to get hurt. We had talked about getting a couple of sled dogs (I have the sled), but if you don't know what you are doing you can end up wrapped around a tree pretty quickly. Still not out of the question, but it would be with old well-trained dogs. Maybe your hesitation tells you this just isn't the direction to go. And it is okay to change your mind...doesn't make you a failure. And you are right, Abbe learned something new and that is a good thing.
again, lovely photo of Abbe. I love the peeks inside your life. How interesting to see the art your students (?) are doing.
Sounds like another full day at the farm. All your animals are beautiful. I love your students' drawings, I wish I was artistic. You must be a good teacher!
Have a great day.
Excellent post, I think you are trying to convert Canadians. I am starting to wish I lived in your neighborhood, you have such a full rich life.
Hi Lori, thanks for the nice comment you left on my blog. I'm glad you enjoyed your visit. I love your horses, and your dogs are so cute. You live in a very beautiful place!
Oh, I WISH I COULD BE in Your art class there...Love to draw and have always wanted to try water colors...just dabbled.
Really need a room to be able to leave the stuff there-ready for me, when I get the creative erdges!
The freindly sheep picture, I adore!!!It is precious!
Abbey is such a cutie!Videos are fun!
I totally respect your decision to stay in health and linit the possiblilities of injury. After my summer..I am much more cautious..and do not even try some things, I used to do, for healthy fear of the results.
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