I played with the photo above within iPhoto. If you click on it, it will look like a painting.
There's no doubt about it....fall has fell at Skoog Farm.
When I dropped some apples off at the Smag's house, their trees were still vibrant!
The most brilliant color I have seen.
Now, to get on with my day.
What is in Abbe's future? Today I spoke to Andrea, who spent dozens of hours training her...teaching her to pull a cart. I let her know that my decision to give this up is final. Three weeks ago I was ready to call it a day (and we discussed it) but have taken this time to really think it over. My gut tells me I should not do this. If she were a made horse I would not hesitate, but between my age, a bad knee and my comfort zone...riding would be a much better choice. I will never give up line driving as it is a pleasure...no more blinders for my girl tho. In fact, today I received my Bitless Bridle and I'm pretty sure she and Berlin are going to love it. This past week I have done some ground work and Abbe seems much more relaxed and happy. I'm trying not to feel guilty about this, as I have invested a lot of time and money in harnesses, carts, lessons, training and more. I have the greatest respect for Andrea and if she had Abbe they could go to the moon. But, she is mine, and I am not a serious trainer. On the good side, she is more disciplined, excellent trailering, well behaved at Glen Darach and has been exposed to the best training and experiences I could ask for. Now I have to get Jenny to start riding her so Berlin and I can have some company. I want only the best for this Pony and hope to make some progress in a venue that is more comfortable for me. Anyone want to buy a cart and harness?
Dark, muddy and gloppy going through the front paddock. I did not let the dogs go with me as they had to be at the groomer by 10am and could not arrive all dirty.
Bermuda loved not being chased by Gucci and Phoebe.
He likes to sit on the ledge that goes around the top of Abbe's stall.
Got into the 50's today...sheets off.
That means let's all roll in the mud.
On the way back from dropping the dogs off, I stopped to pick some BEAUTIFUL apples.
Of course I had to zig and zag all through the detours.
Tonight I will attempt to get some photos of my nice, clean pups. Night all.
Oh no I've lost my equestrian mentor and inspiration? Oh well, perhaps I shall succumb to my gut also and cease tormenting Andrea and boring Winnie to sleep.
Or maybe I'm just annoyed with a State that won't allow the expenditure of $100,000 for a reading program, but the same day approves $3.7 million for the school to build two synthetic turf football stadiums that they don't need. I guess education has become turning out pro athletes that can't read, do steroids, commmit crimes, but we shower them with multi million contracts. Now you know why I couldn't ride Winnie today. I was too keyed up and would have frustrated her.
I'm with you, I think I'd rather ride than drive. I'd be a little nervous about that as I don't think I would have as much control with the driving aspect as I think I have actually sitting on the horse. And I think riding is more fun anyway. I know it's a hard decision but if you've already made it and want to stay in your comfort zone. Then do what's best for you.
p.s. what a beautiful stallion, I love Andalusians, I've always wanted one but I think it's too late to start getting new younger horses now. Just gorgeous.
You need to take your horse work in the direction that is comfortable for you, even if someone else might choose to do something different. Besides, all that training she's already had is very useful even if she isn't a driving horse. It's important to listen to your heart.
Gorgeous color at the Smag's house. Woweee! We don't see that kind of brilliance here. Mostly just yellows and some orange tones. But we also don't have to rake as most of our 'trees' are junipers and pinons. I suppose it's a trade-off. Your pleasingly plump muddy pony eating hay made me smile. :)
Wow...just look at those apples!
Ours have all been picked and harvested and stored weeks ago. Now we have snow. Good bye Fall! Hello winter!
Time to break the ice from the horse and llama's buckets. bah!
Gorgeous apples!!! I'm very sorry that Abbe doesn't seem to be a cart sort-of horse.
I love the i-photo shot of trees...nice color...isn't it FUN!!! I may be doing that for a while...especially during November!
Okay, how much for the meadowbrook? Not that I can afford it right now with my 6 million dollar dog (she got hit by a car). But I am looking for one for my haflinger which should be about the same size as Abbe. And how much for the harness? What brand is it and all that. And you decided to go with the bitless bridle? Let me know how you like it. I was planning on getting one but haven't done it yet. At the very least, Abbe "knows" how to drive. I think this is important for all horses to do this - at least the basics. God forbid they ever get an injury that prevents them from being ridden, you can usually hook them up to a cart and take them for granny walks.
The first picture of autumn looks like beautiful painting very pleasant, although later the cat with those looks was trying to scare me, but in a cute way.... Nice post!
- Pixellicious Photos
The red leaves are awesome. We never get red here...quick yellow and then snow. Just beautiful. Don't feel guilty. What you did with Abbe was an experience you'll never forget. You don't have to do something forever to make it worth while. The money spent is gone so that is a non-issue. I think you'll be so much happier now that you are following your heart.
Don't feel guilty for buying the things, in my books, you did the right thing trying something you wanted, but weren't sure about. If you hadn't tried it at all, you wouldn't have known, would you? It's been fun watching Abbe develop through this and just like you said, it has made her world even bigger. She's beautiful and I hope you get Jenny to ride her!
Lori, You obviously have really thought about this and your body has talked to you, as well...tough but a good decision . I am happy you'll be riding too!
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