All of these sky shots were taken in a 15 minute period before I went out to the barn.
I have not captured shots like this for awhile.
The shot below is one of my favorites.
OK...when I finally got outside...there was evidence of heavy frost everywhere.
It was under 30 degrees....
But very bright. I chose not to go to Java and the Market today...Gary brought back some veggies. Instead, the dogs and I went back to the house. I started a fire and got ready for Finn and Coop, who arrived around 11:20.
By now the temperature was in the low 40s.
Grampa added some air to the exercise balls which provided entertainment for the boys.
At 2pm, Karen and her two daughters arrived. She reads my Journal and I posted pictures of her riding sidesaddle a couple of days ago. It is the first opportunity I have had to meet someone face to face and it was a real pleasure. The reason she left a comment? She saw a picture I had posted of Sandy (a friend and art student) and recognized her from years ago when they boarded their horses at the same stable. Sandy came over too, and it was a little reunion. I hope to post more photos of Karen and her horse. There is a lot to tell.
We all took a tour of the barns and went out to see the horses.
Finn and Coop really enjoyed spending time with the girls.
They thought the upstairs of the horse barn was pretty interesting!
There was a lot of swinging going on...
Everyone left a little after 4 and I worked on dinner.
In the late afternoon, the West side of our house is absolutely bursting with light.
I love the way it feels.
So do the dogs!
It makes me want to play the piano....
Isn't it interesting that it can be so bright just an hour before the sun sets?
Did I hear someone ask what was for dinner? Gary picked some leeks and I made leek and potato soup, a pear salad and grilled some bread. More comfort food.
It is so cozy when it's dark outside, the fire is going and the kitchen smells good. I'm done now.
Night all.
I especially love the early morning and the late afternoon skies this time of year - there's something special about the angle of the light. I was with the horses both times today, which made it even more special.
Have you considered a Skoog Farm Cookbook? I know you really don't need another thing to do, but I bet you could come up with a ton a recipes utilizing your gardens and then sell them at the Farm.
Hard to believe, but I think you have outdone yourself with todays post - the breadth and the richness of images was wonderful. What amazing and vivid skies! There is something innately satisfying about late afternoon light. It is my favorite time to take photos or to sit in a pool of light and read. Glad I've got my dinner in the oven cause after "smelling" yours I'm starving! Sweet dreams.
It's brightest just before sunset as it is darkest just before dawn.
A great post. The different colours in the sky are breath taking. meeting a blogger must be exciting. Your house looks so cosy and inviting. Caring for grandchildren as well as a farm ...and entertaining guests. You really had an action packed day. I bet you sleep well at night.
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