It started to rain again as soon as the horses went out to the pasture, so I brushed them and put on their rain sheets. Fortunately their hay was under the shed roof.
I also put a couple of hay nets up in the main barn run in. It was so windy, the hay blew all over the place.
Finally finished.
Spent much of the day getting the house ready for a dinner party tonight. 20 art students (current and past) along with their spouses.
My good friend Donna created this basket for me and brought it up before the party.
We had a major feast. Appetizers (shrimp and little artichoke tarts), a soup course (pumpkin....yum), ham with pineapple, scalloped potatoes, squash and apple casserole, bread pudding, fruit salad AND THE BIGGEST TOSSED SALAD I HAVE EVER SEEN!!!! Enough for 50! Mel certainly outdid himself. For dessert we had apple pie, pumpkin pie and two apple tarts. All of these artists know their way around a kitchen.
Several of these people are no longer in class and it was so good to see them again.
Kendra...for one.
I love this portrait of Sandy's husband...he and many of the other men had some serious discussions around the kitchen table.
The chatter was non stop in the studio/dining room.
Joan and Dick Fenton told us a great story about their nicknames....Joan'D and Fuel.
Candles and twinkie lights add to the ambiance. Those twinkie lights are in the kitchen, studio and living room...year 'round. I just like what they do to a room.
I cleared the tables and put away the leftovers and extra chairs and poor Gary is still out in the kitchen doing dishes. I'm going to bed. Night all.
That looks like quite the gathering to put on when you're not feeling top shape. The change of weather seems to have brought a lot of colds to people. I'm going to bed now too. Keep my strength up.
Nice party...and the room looks beautiful with that long table all set.
Good food, good friends...what more could you ask for!
good partay!
Lori, yes, I hit the street with shots in mind. I search them out and usually find something interesting. No matter how many times I walk the east village, something usually appears. Thanks for asking
What a nice gathering!!
someday I hope to attend one of your luscious dinner parties....invite me?
Wow! A dinner party for 20. I would freak out if I had to cook a nice meal like that for so many, but I can do 20 little kids! Looks like a fun time.
I'm just not quite ready for blanket season yet. Sigh.
What a lovely dinner party!
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