After 3 killing frosts, this little blossom is hanging on for dear life.
I cleaned the stalls this morning and took several mats out of PC's stall (moved the bedding) so they could be replaced with thicker, new mats. We will use the old ones in the indoor on Saturday night for the band.
Gucci made the rounds and Phoebe watched from a distance.
Got ready for Chorus and stopped off at Tractor Supply to pick up the mats for PC's stall. They could not believe they had to fit in the back of a PT Cruiser...and they did!
The leaves have really peaked around here.
Chorus practice was pretty frustrating today. We drove our director nuts! She expects a lot of us and we have come a long way BUT!!!! working with this group is very different from working at a high school. We don't do this for a grade or a credit...strictly for PLEASURE. What's she going to do? Spank us? Fortunately we really love her and are very lucky to have a person of her calibur working with us. I wish I could figure out how to post some of our music.
The selections for this year are really fun.
When I was pulling out of the parking lot this truck pulled in. Pretty cool huh?
Back home for lunch...the pups were waiting.
Most of the leaves around here are yellow. Is it the same where you live?
At 2:30 I left for Apple Creek Farm to mow the lawn.
Last call for Ida Reds. In a couple of days they will all be picked off the trees and sent to market.
We are still dealing with the detours.
Hi Sara...drove by your house today. I'll bet you just love all the traffic.
Trina did chores tonight. When she got here, all the horses came to the front paddock.
What a crew.
I think they were trying to tell us something.
Like "hurry up!"
It never really rained today, but it was spitting while I was mowing.
Gary finished painting the Studio Barn just in time.
I never was able to take him out for a birthday dinner, as I have felt like crap for the past three weeks. Tonight, we went in to the Macaroni last.
Gary started off with a glass of wine, bread and a bowl of soup.
The salads were outstanding (balsamic dressing with crumbly blue).
I had Chicken Scallopini.....
Gary had Chicken Milano.
Because it was a birthday dinner, we were given a huge piece of chocolate cake.
One of the waiters came over and sang Happy Birthday in Italian.
Our waitress (Lori) was great.
A very nice evening.
Home a little after 8. Now I would like to go watch the movie "Rendition." Have no clue as to what I should expect. Night all.
Moments nicely pictured and very well explained with some beautiful words! Great photos and great writing!
- Pixellicious Photos
We wish the birthday boy/bloke many very happy returns of the day.
Cheers, Mike and Ann.
How nice to have a lovely evening out after all the running around.
Beautiful pictures.
You give us a good glimpse into your life, which seems awfully busy to me. You have a gorgeous farm and beautiful animals.
60 sounds like the ideal place to hold. (Fancy cake and candle!!) The studio looks wonderful and I imagine the inside's going to be a real snug haven for creative pursuits (Have you posted any pix of the inside, yet?)
Your leaves look beautiful but unfortunately we do not have any sign of autumn or leaves turning colors or falling...the stupid grass still needs mowing and typical landscaping. Highs today are probably mid-80s. Darn Florida weather. That's why I love it every time you post a shot of the fireplace...
Happy birthday to Hubby. You had yourself one full day, girl. I'm so glad I popped in the say hello. I am an Ozarks farm chick living on a large working farm we lovening call the Ponderosa. I'm retired (yah, right!) Special Ed and am grandma to eight perfect (Hummmm...)grandchildren.
Ya'll have a wonderfully blessed day!!!
wow! a post full of pups and horses and a beautiful farm
and birthdays too!!
all your photos made me smile
What a great party! I'm in rural Aberdeenshire and all our leaves are tumbling into golden blankets, wind whisked across the fields. Gales predicted today, so that will be all the leaves gone if not some of the trees!
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