Miles, Val and Jen...

Margay announced a chili contest she was having with Ulpi.

First dance of the evening with Dick Mancuso.

and more...

Sara and Jim...

Part of the crew...

The leader of the band.

Miles "Sting" Watts...

The hombre....

Deb and Sara....

Carol, Madonna and Ruth...

Ruth, Tina and Carol....

Roger and Gar...

Roving reporter....Topper
Between us we have over 200 photos.
It's fun time... all of you'll are really enjoying the time. Nice pictures...
- Pixellicious Photos
A party! Whooohoooo~ thanks for the invite! A rockin time was had by all.
That looks like a real Barn Dance. Good to see a couple of snaps of yourself for once. You look just as we imagined.
Regards, Mike and Ann.
Thanks for posting all those great photos. I especially love the one of my mom & dad! Wish I could have been there too. C U soon!
I was waiting for these photos, you can see by the big smiles a good time was had. I hope you will post more party photos.
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