Chores as usual. There's no doubt about it...sawdust is the best bedding and easiest for cleaning stalls. Very little waste and a nice soft bed for the horses. The key is deep.
Finished in less than an hour. When everything was all set, I went back in to take a shower.
Chorus this morning. Last week I was so sick I missed it.
Jean, our pianist, makes such a difference. The ultimate volunteer.
The Town Supervisor and a newly appointed board member stopped by for some schmoozing.
(Election coming up). Actually, I think they are more interested in the Senior Center than those they replaced. Hopefully they will continue to be supportive.
Home for lunch...built a fire and took a nap.
Trina did chores tonight. When I took the dogs out for a run at 5:30 it was FREEZING but the light was great.
We have a lot of yellow leaves around here.
Gucci was on duty. All of the Phoebster's pictures were you can't see her!
Checked on the horses before they went in... straightened out their blankets. I sure would like to find some rain sheets with enclosed fronts. They fit the horses so much better.
Isn't that right Abbe????
For some reason, the leaves are discolored around the edges this year. Usually they are much smoother looking.
Gary built these homemade monkey bars for our grandkids (an old ladder).
We had a very light dinner (veggie burgers) as we were invited to a tea out at the Klines.
It was being held for the garden club and is the first real tea I have been to.
We tried 3 hot and two cold. ALL WERE DELICIOUS.
Ann and Ron have a beautiful, comfortable home.
They had many sweet and savory things to eat.
Because October is Breast Cancer month (and Ann is associated with the American Cancer Society) she gave us a little talk on things we should be doing...women AND men. It was extremely informative.
A very pleasant way to spend the evening.
Of course Gary and Ron entertained themselves in between drinks.
Home by 9:30 and here I am. Definately on the upswing. Just about done....night all.
What an interesting post about a day in your life. I love reading stuff like that especially as it is quite different from a day in my life.(which is really lazy compared to yours). By the way if you like horsey blogs go to Lizzy's you'll find her on my blog ist.
Very beautiful teapots. I wish I liked tea, but no matter what flavor I try it all tastes like musty water. Looked like a very enjoyable evening.
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