Living on our farm.

appreciating the opportunities Steph, Ariana and Daniela have had going to Croatia and learning about another culture (as well as being able to speak another language). near the historical Erie Canal...
I forgot to include my horse Berlin...could not leave her out.
This is where it was supposed to start.

I had a Huckleberry Finn childhood....grew up on Chautauqua Lake and skied my brains out!
When I wasn't doing that I would ride my friend's pony...her name was Lady. Notice the fringed jacket. I was all cowboy.

Of course I can't leave out my horses present and past....This is Masterpiece of '79.

Babe's Opal at Jenny's wedding.

Finn, Jenny and Coop at a water park.... Nothing is more important than family....

I love flowers for all the beauty they bring to a room or a garden.

and then there is Phoebe....

I love the way Joe has inspired his girls to love sports. It all started in New York when they got to know some of the New York Rangers. Hockey, Baseball, Football...Hooray for the home team.

Here they are at a baseball game now. Daniela and Steph.

Who wouldn't love a vacation at the beach. Coop, Jen and Finn.

Ariana and Abbe...looks like happiness to me.

Eggs from free range chickens who have a life. There is no comparison.
Water and sailing.
I love the fact that Jen and Steph had a chance to spend some time with my cousin John.
You already know how I feel about a cozy fire.
...and how I love to rescue pups like Mademoiselle Gucci (Poochie) 'Lisebet Skoog.
Teaching art at the farm for over 8 1/2 years is very high on my list.
Sunrises and sunsets...I must have photographed thousands of them.
I love light and the way it comes into our house.
There is something very special about being in the barn every day.
Singing is so good for the soul. I love being part of a chorus.
I REALLY loved the day we went out to the Bott's for swimming, boat riding and a picnic. Steph, Jen, Ariana, Daniela, Finn and Coop...all in the same place at the same time. The Dads really missed out.
Can't get enough of playing Sequence.
Putting hay in the barn....
Meeting people from all over the world...Like Della and the Kenny's, who traveled thousands of miles crossing the United States and spent the night with us at our farm.
Below is my girl Abbe.
I have no regrets about building the midlife crisis project. Love it.
I love knowing that all our grandkids like spending time at the farm.
And that our son-in-law Kevin is happy to attend parties that we go to with our what if we are old!
Gary can grow garlic to his heart's content....
There is nothing like being a grandparent!
To see what makes others people happy:
You're photos represent a very full life Lori...should everybody be so blessed!
Such a delightful post. You were quite the cute, rip-roaring fringed cowgirl! And you haven't changed a bit. (You've just kept adding wonderful and much-loved family and friends along life's journey.)
Lovely biographical post!
Is that Cousin John Belushi????
Your certainly have a lot of happiness in your life! Thanks for sharing all these wonderful moments with us!
True Life! Every single picture in this post can tell a story for sure! :D Photo-Biography is the right word to explain this post! Awesome ;)
So glad that you're feeling better!
Loved your autobiography!
Pete & Gloria stopped by today. I showed Gloria your site and Kim's. I have your painting that you picked out at Pete's show.(I'll bring it Tues.)
See you then.
I enjoyed the trip. Enjoyed all your shots. :) You have much to be happy about.
Great, great photos!!! What a wonderful life we all live! How grateful I am for friends who share their lives through words and photos...
Your farm is beautiful. I want a midlife crisis like you had! The arena would be fabulous!
John Belushi jumped right out at me. My generation...
Good shots!
Great post! John looked like a young John Belushi..:-))
Tammy and Ed...That IS John Belushi. His Mom was my Godmother and when we were kids his family came to the lake every summer for a visit. Both of our families came from Albania. The photograph was taken at a family reunion in 1981. Gar and I had to leave for my class reunion and John said he would take care of them while we were gone. Saturday Night Live was a big part of this life then, and they were thrilled. Too bad he cut his life brilliant...I especially loved the Blues Brothers.
Great bunch of pictures. It's nice to get to know you better, you're so busy and so much fun.
I think being a grandparent is one of the best things ever too.
And happiness is a visit to Skoog Farm. Lori, you never fail to inspire and entertain. Beautiful post.
your farm looks like the ultimate farm! :D
it's gorgeous
thanks for sharing your happy life
Very nice post, Lori. So important to talk about the things that make us happy.
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