Pretty chilly, but the bright sun warmed things up quickly.
Finished chores, did a little leaf mulching with the lawn tractor and got in the house around 10.
That's when I checked my computer to catch up with all of you. Before I knew it, it was time for lunch!
The Skoog Shop is lookin' good. Gary has ordered a couple of windows, which will really improve the front of the building. He spent the day rototilling and planting garlic...a total of 2800 cloves are now in the ground
When I was picking the back pasture I took these shots from behind the horse barn (which is at the 2nd floor level).
The perspective is very different.
These two look like bookends.
And then there is Berlin...
The view of the back forty gets better every day.
Around two I went out to get Abbe. This morning I put her halter on before she left her stall and there was NO monkey business about getting caught. I groomed her and led her over to the indoor...time to get back to some kind of routine. I set up ground poles, which we went through and over, and then did lateral work in both directions to try and strengthen her hind quarters. Hopefully she will look like her old self by the next time Karen comes out to see her. Night and day from yesterday. I'm back to thinking that driving is not what I really want to do with this horse.
Anyway, I made a call to Randy and Arlene to see if they wanted to come over for dinner...garbage plates. Do you know what that is?
Gary went down to watch Finn and Cooper for a couple of hours while I got going on the menu.
Went out to do evening chores about 6. It only takes me about 15 or 20 minutes as I have everything set up except for the grain.
On the way in, it was starting to get dark and the sky presented me with more opportunities
for taking pictures.
The table was all set, and I forgot to take pictures of the garbage plates!
and on top of that, after they left I watched "Dancing" and fell asleep 10 minutes before it was over. I seem to nod off about 9:50 on a regular basis. Guess I have reached my capacity. Night all!
beautiful the leaves...and the windmill....nice table setting
Lori, I am so excited that you are doing A Week in the Life! Please let me know when you start so I can comment!
Oh and I forgot to say, love the shadows and light of the Abbe pix and the table setting...lovely!
That photo of your two 'book end' grey ponies is briliant. Don't know how you've trained them to stand so symetrically.
Regards, Mike.
Beautiful pics, I especially like the Abbe shot. Ok I'll bite what is a garbage plate? I'm guessing an assortment of food?
Garbage Plates??!! It must be leftovers, right? But your leftovers would be heavenly.
The shot of the back pasture makes me want to find a warm coat (I know I have one somewhere in the attic) and drive up just to see it with my own eyes...and feel and smell your crisp fall air.
Love the Skoog shop! What again, is it for? Are the Garlics planted near it...the purpleflower heads and w/green back drop..would be so sweet a picture!
the "bookend" horses...nice!
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