Good move....
The grey skies disappeared....eventually.
Finished chores early (with Gary's help).
Picked the pasture and headed back to the house.
Finally, I am not coughing so much.
Phoebe did not even venture out to the barn this morning. If there is any chance of raindrops, she prefers to stay in the house.
The Fiddle Leaf Fig tree is back in the house doing well... I can't wait for it to get huge again.
By late morning the sun tried to appear.
I used up every box of kleenex in the house and had to go to the store for more. On the way home I stopped at Tractor Supply to pick up some bedding. Just have not had the energy to go get a load of sawdust.
I jammed as much as I could in the back seat of my PT Crusier truck.
The dogs kept me company while I started on dinner (and built a fire).
As per usual, it was getting warmer outside than inside.
Went out and spread the shavings in the stalls. This is what a hundred year old barn looks like.
I invested in some nice thick mats for all the stalls and it really made a difference.
That late afternoon light was coming in through the west windows. So mellow.
Can you see that painting I did of the (old) Pony?
We had 5 face cords of wood delivered today.
I went out and helped for awhile, but Gary did 80% of the stacking. We still had a little left from last year.
We are in good shape now.
When it was all done, he sat down on a bucket and had a beer.
The Kenney's arrived to do chores. Perfect timing for me to have a break.
I got so tired reading in front of the fire I almost fell asleep.
This is the dinner I made today. Ham and cabbage. Talk about comfort food....
I fried some apples and onions for a side.
Simple pleasures.
Trina was out there picking the pasture....

and Ethan was in using the indoor for a heliport.

The horses are tucked in, dinner is over and I'm going to sign off. Night all.
Hope you are all enjoying the weekend.
I hope your cold goes away soon. The sudden weather switch seems to be wreaking havoc with everyone. And thanks for the supportive comments.
What a busy day you had. Hope you get better soon.
The sauce looks really good. Glad you're feeling better. The leaves are beautiful...I love the red. We don't get red here.
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