Is was still pretty chilly, but having a little sun out there made a lot of difference.
Phoebe refused to go out to the barn, so Gucci and I did chores without her.
Put the hay in the back pasture where it was dry AND warmer.
Had to fill up the water trough. We are on a well, and if I run the water full blast for too long it shuts off and gets all cloudy when I put it back on. If it comes out slowly, it can run for hours.
PC is always the first to come in for a drink.
Did a little work in the paddock and mowed out back. Got in the house a little before 10.
Big Bird is looking pretty lonely out there with all the flowers pooping out.
Gucci was very patient in the yard while I finished my work.
Didn't leave the property today. Started a fire in the kitchen and hung out there most of the time, doing laundry and paying bills.
Went out to do chores at 5:30 and started by picking the pastures. It sure is getting dark earlier.
I think sunset was at 6:23 tonight (according to the weatherman).
This is Skywatch Friday afterall. I just kept taking pictures at both ends of the day.
Dinner? You guessed it. Breakfast.
Below are two photos sent to me by one of my readers. Karen rides and shows sidesaddle on her beautiful horse, Panache. Sunday, she is going to come to the farm to meet me. I look forward to it!

I can't believe he is only 14"3! What a gorgeous creature....

You don't even want to know what I am going to watch tonight. My kids got me hooked. All I can tell you, is that it's the 2 hour premier for the season and makes me laugh.
Night all.
Breakfast for dinner - couldn't be better!
I agree, her horse is lovely - I've never ridden sidesaddle, but it looks interesting!
Gucci is cute and brave to go out in the cold. Excuse my farming ignorance but what does "picking the pasture" mean.
Beautiful photo's, Lori & I really like your new header photo on the blog, too - just gorgeous !
great photos...always love breakfast for dinner...
Have you noticed if most people use blankets are is that something special you do to pamper them? I've never seen horses in blankets here...I'll have to ask my horse friends.
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