
Sunday, December 22, 2019

No Complaints Here....

What a beautiful day.

 After Karen turned the horses out, Phoebe was ready to go back in the house.

 Little Wonder and I went back to the barn to clean the stalls.

 The sunshine felt so good.

 As soon as I finished, drove down to Country Max for some shavings.
 At 12:30, several of the Buskers met down at the Presbyterian Church to play for the monthly 
"Loaf and Ladle."  By 1 o'clock all of the tables were filled.

One of our members (Linda) brought along her sister, who is visiting for the holidays.
At the end of our session she tried out my uke (she has several of her own).  A real master and has been playing since she was 14.  I was so impressed.  

Back to the farm around 3 and took it easy until chore time.
 Berlin was posing for me.

 I tucked them in just before dark.
Looking forward to having a few more minutes of light each day.

 Nothing special for dinner.
Now, to get back out by the fire (will fall asleep in minutes).
Night all.

Tomorrow I will do as much as possible to get ready for Christmas Eve.

1 comment:

Nancy J said...

Love the entertainment , and the snow tinged with blue, Berlin, You are a real beauty there.