At 6:15am it sounded like a plane was going to crash into our house. We kept hearing the sound over and over...it was a crop duster (see my video below). The corn is 10 feet from our rings and pastures, we had no notification, I don't know what was sprayed...AND IT REALLY TICKED ME OFF! He must have made over 35 passes. I called the environmental conservation officers and will pursue it more on Monday when the offices are open. Who gives a fat crap if we have a well, or animals or that we don't want stuff sprayed next to our house???? Does anyone know the regulations on this?

Fortunately the horses were still in the barn. Once again they preferred to stay inside for over an hour. Barb came to help with chores and Gary came out to the barn when he got back from Java.

King Mustafa gets the royal treatment from Barb...he is a lucky boy.

Gary continued to work on the studio barn and I love what he is doing. Check out the rustic sills and frames around the new windows.

Today he took out the door on the west side of the building, and was trying to decide how to fill the space. He found four old windows in the barn and decided to install this one. The light inside is going to be perfect!

We had a load of hay delivered and I didn't even know they were here. Some pretty nice stuff!

Barb came over to give KM a bath, and I took my saddle over to a friends barn so she could try it on her horse.

He's a 16.3 Trakehner and I think he has a sore back from being ridden with poorly fitting saddles.

This is an Albion dressage saddle...it fit better than the Amerigo she has for him but was still not perfect. Jan has made a huge effort to do the right thing with Max...saddle fitting clinics, different saddles etc. Unfortunately, there are a huge number of riders out there who don't have a clue if their saddles fit...the horse pays a pretty price when this happens and they can be ruined. I'm glad that she cares enough to keep trying.

Meanwhile back at the ranch, Gary got the window installed and primed it.

Here in lilyworld, we have hundreds of blossoms.

lots of blackeyed susans...

and many more varieties that are still pumping out splashes of color.

The dogs were out in the back yard when it was time for chores and couldn't wait to get in the house so they could go with me.

PC was in the same spot he was in this morning.

Lucky for the ponies, a nice breeze came up and they all went out to the pasture.

Before dinner I went out and picked some of these berries. Each day I can get about a cup full. They are small but very tasty.

We ate a late dinner of leftovers. Around 9 I went out to take their masks off.

Took a few shots in the dark.
Gary's garlic is hanging all over the place and looks like it is drying out nicely.

A fabulous sunset.

This is what we woke up to this morning.
Night all.
I don't know anything about current crop dusting regulations, sorry. You're doing the right thing to protest, however. Did you talk to the farmer who was having the dusting done?
It's kind of hard to tell with the saddle on, but does your friend's Trakehner have a high wither, combined with a low back? My old Stormy was a Polish Warmblood, mostly Trakehner, with that problem. I have an old Hopfner saddle, made before Crosby bought and ruined them, that I had specially reconstructed to fit him. It's in Philadelphia right now, with a friend, but, she's not using it and, if it's still in decent condition, I could have her send it up for your friend to try out.
As far as crop dusting, I don't recall that we were ever notified before they came...but that was over 15 yrs ago.
It doesn't happen where I live now as it is too hilly and too expensive to do it that way!
Looks like renovations are going so nicely!
Our berries have come and gone. Yummy stuff.
Enjoy your weekend!
Hi Lori. Thanks for reminding me. When we get home must pick some blackberries. Blackberry and apple pie is one of my favourite puddings, and only needs a handful or so of blackberries in an apple pie.
Cheers, Mike.
I should get out there and do some berry picking, but the little ones usually lose interest before I have enough to make anything. The flowers are looking awesome.
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